Careers in Knowledge Management Abstract: In this section I am going to take a look at what one needs to pursue a career in knowledge management. Below I will start by talking a bit about the kind of KM educations and courses one can find from a general perspective. In the other subsections
knowledge broker
McMaster University
The McMaster University (McMaster or Mac)1), formerly the Toronto Baptist College, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Foreign knowledge brokers’ ethics
Abstract: This paper presents a conceptual and empirical framework to analyse international knowledge brokerage from an ethical perspective through political and corporate incentives on foreign employment. Exploiting nonlinear regressions on a global dataset covering bilateral jobs created by Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) between 161 countries during a seven year period, we find empirical evidence
Knowledge Brokers’ Qualities
Abstract: Employing knowledge brokers is one way that universities and research centres have responded to the increasing emphasis on the wider usefulness and uptake of research beyond the academy. While there is an increase in the numbers of such professionals, there has been little focus on their roles, skills and development. In this paper,
Roles, tasks, units, and activities for Knowledge Management
Abstract: In the last years,Knowledge Management(KM)studies have focused on the foundations of this “new managerial discipline”. Today, there is an increasing need to transform the theoretical speculations into managerial tools, and to find solutions to practical questions concerning daily KM activity. A key issue that still requires investigation regards the management of human resources