Abstract: Kent State University and George Washington University have been collaborating around an initiative to strengthen KM education (mostly at the Masters and Ph.D. level) with what I understood to be a long term goal of strengthening the KM profession as a whole by turning KM into a “discipline” with a standardized set of
knowledge management certificate
Knowledge Management Certification or Certificate Training
In the Yahoo! Group of the Knowledge Management Consortium International (KMCI) Christian L. B. asks: Hello every body and every one, Please, answer this question to the whole group as : – some may be directly interested, – for others it can be usefull for a reflexion on
Gurteen on Knowledge Management Certification
Abstract: The topic of “KM Certification” is hotly debated in KM circles. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong in receiving certificates for attending a course or for being certified or accredited to practice specific KM techniques. (Cognitive Edge, for example accredits practitioners who have attended their workshops.).
Knowledge Management Certification – one KM professional’s opinion
Abstract: I am one of few who have had the opportunity to take the KM certification courses offered by KMPro and KM Institute (KMI). I took the courses while I was creating the curriculum for a Masters level KM Elective Course at the Army War College, AY2009. I wanted to see how others were teaching
Knowledge Management Education in Hong Kong
Abstract: These are some of the degree, diploma & certificate granting knowledge management and related information and library management programs in Hong Kong. See the KM Organizaitons link for short courses and other programs offered by KM organizations. If you know of any other programs please let me know.