Abstract: The project examined the necessity, and value in assigning knowledge management officers to Army tactical units. Ancillary, supporting research, focused on decision-making, battle command and Army knowledge management. A qualitative methodology, with quantitative aspects was used to analyze, combine and reconcile data obtained through interviews. There were three sample groups with the senior
Knowledge Management champion
Phowad Solution (PSL)
Phowad Solution (PSL)1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Knowledge champions to facilitate knowledge management
Abstract: Executives and strategists have long recognized the value of knowledge as a primary driving source for a firm’s sustainable competitive advantage – hence the creation by many firms of a position called the chief knowledge officer (CKO). However, many people have proposed differing perspectives and models relating to the concept of knowledge management.
Knowledge Management Ambassadors at the Hong Kong Police Force
Abstract: More than 50 officers appointed by the Director of the Police College either as Peer Advisers or Knowledge Management (KM) Administrators received their first induction training at the Aberdeen Foundation Training Centre on August 3. All of them aspired to make a difference and prepared themselves as Ambassadors of the Force KM system.
Life Science Knowledge Management Summit**
The Life Science Knowledge Management Summit, produced by ExL Pharma, delves into the relationship between knowledge management, content management and culture. Experienced thought leaders in this field will convene at this event to help you find the balance between designing knowledge management systems that both influence and are influenced by a company’s culture.