Filed in: Knowledge Management roles and responsibilities

US Army Knowledge Management Officer Necessary?

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: The project examined the necessity, and value in assigning knowledge management officers to Army tactical units. Ancillary, supporting research, focused on decision-making, battle command and Army knowledge management. A qualitative methodology, with quantitative aspects was used to analyze, combine and reconcile data obtained through interviews. There were three sample groups with the senior

Why Knowledge Managers Do What They Do

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: You can be forgiven for struggling to define what a knowledge manager does – many knowledge managers struggle to explain it themselves. But perhaps a better question is why they do what they do. What attracts them to this broad, ever changing, and often opaque field of regularly questioned value? I asked several

Information Manager/Librarian to Knowledge Manager

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: Many organizations world over are embracing knowledge management systems for survival and to retain profitability. This trend is visible in the technology intensive businesses like biotechnology, computers and telecommunications and also in professions like legal, accountancy and management consultancy. A new breed of managers called “Knowledge Manager” has emerged to put the new