Abstract: Knowledge brokers are people or organizations that move knowledge around and create connections between researchers and their various audiences. This commentary reviews some of the literature on knowledge brokering and lays out some thoughts on how to analyze and theorize this practice. Discussing the invisibility and interstitiality of knowledge brokers, the author argues
Knowledge Management roles and responsibilities
The Knowledge Counselor
Abstract: “Knowledge counseling” can be defined as a professional service, the aim of which is to aid individuals in dealing with the information and knowledge resources that are essential to their life’s tasks and objectives. Knowledge counseling involves three primary functions: the identification of the client or user’s information and knowledge need(s) – the
Finding Knowledge Management champions
Read more » Nick Milton: Finding the KM champions. Knoco Stories, 3 February 2014 Copyright © Knoco. All rights reserved. Related Knoco
Qualities that make a great Knowledge Management boss unforgettable
Abstract: I am just coming back from Arusha, Tanzania where I was with a colleague who recently shared an article about what unforgettable bosses do. A very useful article, though quite general… …so a good opportunity to examine what an unforgettable KM boss does. Much of the rationale
Leaders of Knowledge Initiatives: Qualifications, Roles & Responsibilities
Abstract: Sponsored by the cross-government Knowledge Management Working Group, working sessions were held through the year 2000 and continuing into 2001 to build an understanding of the concepts, roles, and importance of Knowledge Management. Participants from these sessions came from government, industry, and academia. The “stories” of the processes used and the results of