Filed in: knowledge management skills

Master’s on Technology, Knowledge and Innovation @ Sofia University

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: Knowledge Management (KM) has gained special attention in last decades among researchers and practitioners. It was widely recognised its importance in the knowledge-based economy for competitiveness and growth. Subsequently, many universities launched specialised courses on KM, and later full educational programmes. In Bulgaria, teaching KM started in 2007 as a follow-up of

Migrating LIS Professionals into Knowledge Management Roles

Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) is a multi-dimensional field of study and practice,which requires a wide range of capabilities amongst its contributors, who comefrom a variety of professional groups. This paper examines claims that the Libraryand Information Services (LIS) profession should make and, indeed, is making asignificant contribution to organizational knowledge management. It outlines KM

Developing effective knowledge activists

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: The chapter discuses the need to understand the significance of knowledge-sharing behaviours in emphasizing the selection process of people for importance roles within the organization and the design initiatives implemented to encourage positive behaviours. Henley Knowledge Sharing Behaviours model is used as a useful reference point for many development initiatives. Knowledge sharing is

International Delphi Study on Knowledge Leaders’ Critical Issues

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: Nowadays, an increasing number of organizations hire knowledge leaders to create and maintain a knowledge management environment. However, the critical issues these individuals face are very poorly defined in today’s academic literature. Using a web-based Delphi method, this study is the first to reach a worldwide consensus on knowledge leaders’ critical issues. These