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knowledge manager
Survey Findings on Knowledge Managers’ Characteristics and Activities
Abstract: Knowledge management (the process) and knowledge managers (the people) are recent organizational phenomena. The latter (the knowledge managers) are those key individuals charged with the task of making the former (knowledge management) successful. Due to the recent emergence of these organizational initiatives, a study of knowledge managers – who they are and
What makes for a successful knowledge manager?
Abstract: In the SIKM Leaders Community, Patti Anklam recently asked for suggestions about what makes knowledge managers effective. She cited my list: Share what you have learned, created, and proved Innovate to be more creative, inventive, imaginative Reuse what others have already learned, created, and proved
Knowledge Management Careers and Skills
Careers in Knowledge Management Abstract: In this section I am going to take a look at what one needs to pursue a career in knowledge management. Below I will start by talking a bit about the kind of KM educations and courses one can find from a general perspective. In the other subsections
Knowledge Management career path
Abstract: One of our clients got in touch recently to ask if we had any good examples of organisations with a career path for their Knowledge Management professionals. The honest answer was No, we don’t have any examples, and there does not seem to be much out there on the web