Abstract: This paper investigates the benefits gained by firms when driven by the Knowledge Manager (KM). In particular, several research hypotheses investigate the influence of roles and tasks carried out by the KM on firm success and economic performance. The recent literature misses any empirical study testing whether they are confirmed in practice. The
knowledge manager
Andre Saito’s wiki on Knowledge Management education at JAIST
This wiki used to be the place where Andre Saito from the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology gatherd notes and references for his PhD research on Knowledge Management education. (see research proposal below) Unfortunately the wiki is no longer available but luckily most of it’s valuable content is archived by the WayBack Machine.
Being a Knowledge Manager for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Abstract: A few weeks back I had the privilege of a conversation with Patricia Eng who directs knowledge management for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I had met Patricia at KM World the previous November, and was impressed by her passionate, no-nonsense, deeply practical approach to KM, not to mention a very robust sense
KMedu relevant articles in the ‘Toolbox for IT Wiki’
Find below a list of articles and categories in the ‘Toolbox for IT Wiki’ that are relevant to Knowledge Management education: Disclaimer: ‘Toolbox for IT Wiki’ is a service that allows content to be created and edited by anyone in the community. Content posted to this site is not reviewed for correctness
Assessing knowledge manager learning needs
Abstract: This paper discusses an exploratory investigation of the role of concept mapping techniques for assessing knowledge manager learning needs and developing knowledge management (KM) training programs and courses. The research data were collected using seven concept map templates completed by 13 KM students during a 15-week higher education course. The study found that