Abstract: The emerging diffuse and complex discourse on knowledge management has, amongst many things, given some focus to the nature of education and training for professionals engaged in managing knowledge. The complexity of charting an educational and training pathway becomes apparent when considered against the plethora of perspectives of what constitutes knowledge management, as
library and information professionals
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Knowledge Management through the Lens of LIS: A Study of Job Advertisements
Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) is influential as a concept and practice, referring to the capture, codification, and interpretation of knowledge. KM can be viewed as a form of library and information science (LIS) or a distinct professional area. Wider debates around the skills of newly qualified LIS workers, the LIS curriculum, and the current
Library and information professionals and knowledge management
Abstract: The level of interest suggests that knowledge management needs to be taken seriously as an issue for information professionals and for the fields of librarianship and information science. Knowledge management is perceived to offer a substantial enhancement of the role of the information professional. However, the confusion, variations and concerns expressed indicate that
Knowledge management education in Australia suitable for LIS professionals?
Abstract: This paper surveys the formal KM courses currently offered in Australia. It is a part of a wider project by Charles Sturt University’s Community of Scholars, ‘Matching Users with Information’, which seeks to establish the state of knowledge of KM among LIS professionals, the extent to which they are finding positions in the