The Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF), formerly Open Knowledge, Open Knowledge International (OKI), and Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF),1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
Est. 2004Argentina (RA), Australia (AUS), Austria (A), Belgium (B), Brazil (BR), Burkina Faso (BF), Canada (CDN), China (CN), Colombia (CO), Czech Republic (CZ), Denmark (DK), El Salvador (ES), English language, Estonia (EST), Ethiopia (ETH), Face-to-face KMedu, Finland (FIN), France (F), Germany (D), Greece (GR), Hong Kong (HK), Ireland (IRL), Italy (I), Japan (J), Korea, South (ROK), Macedonia (MK), Nepal (NEP), Non-degree KMedu, Offers from Communities, Offers from Conference Providers, Philippines (RP), Portugal (P), Public KMedu, Russia (RUS), Somalia (SO), Sweden (S), Switzerland (CH), Taiwan (RC), United Kingdom (GB), United States of America (USA)Leave a comment