- In conjunction with the MENA, Southeast Asia and Global Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award Ceremonies
organizational learning
30 Years of Organizational Learning, Development & Knowledge Management @ George Mason University
Abstract: The Schar School of Policy and Government’s Organization Development and Knowledge Management (ODKM) master’s program is preparing to celebrate its 30th anniversary next year, when it welcomes its 30th cohort to the program. To mark the milestone, the program is launching an ambitious #30in30 campaign, aiming to recruit 30 students for Cohort 30.
Knowledge Integrator Nodes (KINs)
Abstract: The concept of the emergence of a knowledge integrator node in project teams or internal and external networks of a firm is explored. Aspects of the literature on the knowledge creation process and key actors and their roles and knowledge management in boundary-spanning networks development in multinational companies are presented. A grain trading
Learning Organizations Konferansen (LOS Konferansen)**
The Learning Organizations Konferansen (LOS Konferansen), sometimes also known as the LOS Stevnet (LOS Convention), initially the Læringslos stevnet (Learning pilots convention), is organized by Learning Organizations Norway (LOS Norway), the Norwegian chapter of the Global Association of Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) Communities (GASC). It includes keynotes and learning cases’ presentations on topics related
Learning Organizations Norway (LOS Norway)
The Learning Organizations Norway (LOS Norway; Norwegian: Lærende organisasjoner Norge (LOS Norge)), also known as the Learning Organizations Society in Norway, is the Norwegian chapter of the Global Association of Society for Organizational Learning (SoL) Communities (GASC). It was formerly known as the Academy for Learning Organizations Norway (LOS Academy; Norwegian: Akademiet for Lærende organisasjoner