Social Now, formerly for some time Social Now Europe, successor of Organização 2.0: Ferramentas sociais nas organizações (English: Organization 2.0: Social tools in organizations), is an international event with a unique format, conceived to help you choose tools for the social organisation, whilst reminding you of the importance of adoption and accompanying processes.
social intranet
The knowman consulting company offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Knowledge Architecture (KA)
Knowledge Architecture (KA) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Digital Work Forum*
Der Shift/Work Summit, ehemals der Informations- & Organisations-Management Summit (IOM Summit), ist die virtuelle Jahreskonferenz zu Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen für die Verbesserung der digitalen Zusammenarbeit. Im Mittelpunkt der Veranstaltungen stehen Diskussionen zu Experten- und Praxisbeiträgen rund um die Einführung & unternehmensweite Etablierung von Remote & Hybrid Work Konzepten, der Verbesserung von Adoption & Change Ansätzen
Management Circle*
Management Circle, formerly MCF Management Circle, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training