- Tracks, Workshops & Tutorials on Knowledge Management related topics
World Wide Web
Postgraduate education in systems engineering and knowledge management
Abstract: This paper describes the crucial role of systems engineering and knowledge management in business. The importance of postgraduate education in both systems engineering in general and knowledge management in particular is stressed and the subjects are discussed with particular reference to two distance learning MSc courses. These two degrees both plan to use
University-based Approach to the Diffusion of KM Concepts and Practice
Abstract: This paper addresses the diffusion of Knowledge Management concepts, principles, and cases into university courses. Although we are now living in a world of gigabit transmission systems and terabyte storage, there are still long delays that often occur before industry practice finds its way into university courses. Knowledge Management practices have been elaborated
International World Wide Web Conferences (IW3C2) Steering Committee*
The International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (IW 3C 2) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training