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Haute école de gestion de Genève (HEG)*

Universities, Colleges | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Haute école de gestion de Genève (HEG or HEG-GE; English: Geneva School of Business Administration; German: Fachhochschule Genf), part of the Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (HES-SO); Deutsch: University of Applied Sciences and Art Western Switzerland; de: Fachhochschule Westschweiz),1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training

Knowledge and Information Professional Association (KIPA)

Communities & Social Networks | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Knowledge and Information Professional Association (KIPA), formerly the Green Country Knowledge and Information Professionals (GC-KIP) society, the Tulsa Knowledge Management Interest Group and the iKMS.US interest group of the Information and Knowledge Management Society (iKMS) in the United States, 1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training