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U.K. Government Knowledge & Information Management Professional Skills Framework

Abstract: The GKIM Professional Skills Framework has been developed to support the delivery of the recommendations in ‘Information matters: building government’s capability in managing knowledge and information’. The framework has been approved and endorsed by the Knowledge Council. The GKIM Professional Skills Framework provides government with a common language to describe

U.S. Air Force Knowledge Management Career Field Education and Training Plan

Abstract: 3D0X1, Knowledge Operations Management AFSC is officially established on November 1, 2009. The AFSC was created by converting the 3A0X1, Information Management AFSC. Knowledge Operations Management personnel deploy, sustain, and manage data, information, and knowledge-sharing services in a fixed and expeditionary (deployed) environment. This includes planning, coordinating, sharing, and controlling an organization’s data

Executive’s Role in Knowledge Management

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: For those who grasp the potential of their organizations’ knowledge assets and want to develop strategies for leveraging them, inculdes must-read instructions for every KM executive who approves or oversees the KM process. “You could not have a better guide to the future,” said Robert H. Buckman, former president of Buckman Laboratories International