Colloque International du Chapitre Maghreb de l’International Society for Knowledge Organization (Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb)*
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The Colloque International du Chapitre Maghreb de l’International Society for Knowledge Organization (Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb) is the International Symposium of the International Society for Knowledge Organization’s Maghreb Chapter (International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb) in conjunction with the chapter’s General Meeting.
From 2011 to 2014 is was sub-titled “Concepts et Outils pour le Management de la Connaissance (KM)” (English: Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM)), from 2015 to 2018 “Organisation de la Connaissance dans la perspective des Humanités Numériques : recherches et applications” (English: Knowledge Organization in the perspective of Digital Humanities: Reasearches and Applications), and since 2019 it is sub-titled “Les Sciences du Numérique : impacts et challenges sur l’Organisation de la Connaissance” (English: Digital Sciences: Impacts and Challenges on Knowledge Organization).
Conference language is English and French.
In 2017 and since 2019 the International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb is held in conjunction with the Multi-Conférence sur la “Organisation des Connaissances et Technologies Avancées” (OCTA; English: Multi-Conference on “Organization of Knowledge and Advanced Technologies”)
While the ISKO chapter conferences are usually held in uneven years the ISKO international conference is held in even years. Nevertheless, from 2011 to 2020 (except in 2016, VEIGECO 2016 instead) ISKO-Maghreb chapter conference was held annually.
Conference History:
10ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2025, November 6-7, 2025, Tunis, Tunisia
Thème du colloque: Les Sciences du Numérique : impacts et challenges sur l’Organisation de la Connaissance / Digital Sciences: Impacts and Challenges on Knowledge Organization
(Host: Arab League Educational Cultural and Scientific Organization; En conjonction avec la 4ème Multi-Conférence sur la “Organisation des Connaissances et Technologies Avancées: Intelligence artificielle” OCTA’2025)
Programme du colloque à déterminer
Knowledge Organization in the Context of Digital Humanities
Knowledge Organization in the Context of ICT and Digital Sciences
Collective Intelligence and Collaborative Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS)
Digital Sciences and Cultural Heritage
AI and Generative AI in Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS)
AI-Assisted Virtual Libraries and Knowledge Organization
AI-Driven Strategic Intelligence and Knowledge Organization
Knowledge Representation and the Semantic Web
AI for Search Engines and Knowledge Discovery
Mathematical Models in Knowledge Organization Visualization
Co-located Conferences:
International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence (SIIE)
Colloque International sur les Technologies avancées, Energies renouvelables et Développement économique (CITED)
Colloque International sur les Technologies « Big-Data-Analytics » pour le Management Stratégique (TBMS)
9ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2023, February 9-11, 2023, Al-Hoceima, Morocco / Virtual venue
Thème du colloque: Les Sciences du Numérique : impacts et challenges sur l’Organisation de la Connaissance / Digital Sciences: impacts and challenges on Knowledge Organization
(Host: Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi, École nationale des sciences appliquées d’Al Hoceima; En conjonction avec la 3ème Multi-Conférence sur la “Organisation des Connaissances et Technologies Avancées” OCTA’2023)
Paper Sessions: OCTA, SIIE, ISKO-Maghreb, CITED & TBMS
Information System & Applications in Society
Data Analysis Model, Knowledge Organization & Decision-Making
Systems, Models and Processing Design
Data, Information & Social Network in Sustainable Development
Knowledge Organization, System Design and Innovation
Poster Sessions: OCTA, SIIE, ISKO-Maghreb, CITED & TBMS (CANCELLED)
Information Systems and Economic Intelligence
Digital Sciences and challenges on Knowledge Organization
Advanced Technologies, Renewable Energies and Economic Development
Big-Data-Analytics Technologies
Keynotes: OCTA, SIIE, ISKO-Maghreb, CITED & TBMS
The Metaverse: The virtual world of tomorrow
(TBC) Artificial Intelligence in the Humanities and Social Sciences
A step ahead for generation of explainable embeddings using feature maximization principle: Application to graph and word embeddings
Co-located Conferences:
International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence (SIIE)
Colloque International sur les Technologies avancées, Energies renouvelables et Développement économique (CITED)
Colloque International sur les Technologies « Big-Data-Analytics » pour le Management Stratégique (TBMS)
8ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2019, February 6-8, 2020, Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science, Tunis, Tunisia
Thème du colloque: Les Sciences du Numérique : impacts et challenges sur l’Organisation de la Connaissance / Digital Sciences: impacts and challenges on Knowledge Organization
(Host: University of Tunis, Institut Supérieur de Gestion; En conjonction avec la 2ème Multi-Conférence sur la “Organisation des Connaissances et Technologies Avancées” OCTA’2019)
Note: OCTA 2019, planned for November 21–23, 2019, is postponed due to the collusion with the electoral events in Tunisia (ie. presidential and parliamentary elections).
Sessions de colloque:
Information & Social Network; Data, Humanity & Artificial Intelligence; Knowledge Organization & Applications; Green and Digital Transition; e-Learning, e-Education & Intelligent Systems; Data, Analysis & Intelligent Systems; Optimization, Diagnosis & Decision-Making; Data, Algorithms & Decision; Ontology, Data & Algorithms; Big Data & Technologies; Posters / Communications Affichées
Knowledge Intensive Explorative Business Processes: Towards Smarter Services; Education 4.0: How can Educators meet Industry 4.0 and today’s Learners?; The future of Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management at the era of Big Data; Privacy-Preserving Big Data Analytics
Conférences co-localisées:
International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence (SIIE)
Colloque International sur les Technologies avancées, Energies renouvelables et Développement économique (CITED)
Colloque International sur les Technologies « Big-Data-Analytics » pour le Management Stratégique (TBMS)
7ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2018, November 25–26, 2018, Bejaïa, Algeria
Thème du colloque: Organisation de la Connaissance dans la perspective des Humanités Numériques : recherche et application / Knowledge Organization in the perspective of Digital Humanities: Research and Applications
(Host: Université de Bejaia, Department of Computer Science)
Sessions de colloque:
Digital Humanities in Collective Intelligence; e-Management for Knowledge Organization; Big Data, Data Engineering and Knowledge Visualization; Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches; Knowledge Organization, Data Mining & Challanges; e-Learnning, Systems and Knowledge Models; Knowledge Organization, Document/Archive and Case Studies; e-Watch, Studies domain and Collaborative Environment; e-Systems, Knowledge and Process Management
Large Scale Data Analytics Technique for Big Data; We, the World and the Digital. A phenomenology?; The concept of a Pseudo-polygon and its application to Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT); Visual Mining: A User-Centric Immersive Approach to Exploration and Knowledge Emergence. Applications in the health field
General Assembly of ISKO-Maghreb Chapter
6ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2017, May 11–12, 2017, Al-Hoceima, Morocco
Thème du colloque: Organisation de la Connaissance dans la perspective des Humanités Numériques : recherche et application / Knowledge Organization in the perspective of Digital Humanities: Research and Applications
(Host: Ecole Nationale des Sciences Appliquées d’Al-Hoceima, National School of Applied Sciences; En conjonction avec la Multi-Conférence internationale SIIE 2017 & ISKO-Maghreb 2017)
Sessions de colloque:
Multimedia Indexing & Information Retrieval; e-Education, Knowledge & Digital Humanties; Digital Humanities & Information Technology Applications; Information Analysis, Watch & Knowledge Organization; BigData Analysis & DataMining; Information, Document & Knowledge Organization; Data, Big Data & Visualization; Data Analytics & Knowledge Models; Posters of PhD-candidates; SIIE (relevant): Knowledge Management and Quality Process in Entreprise; Knowledge, Strategy and Economic Intelligence
New Paradigm in Speech Recognition and Opinion Classification; Towards a Multi-Agent System approach to manage Organizational Knowledge on the Web; The Arabic Language, its Processing and the Digital Humanities
General Assembly of ISKO-Maghreb Chapter
Conférences co-localisées:
International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence (SIIE)
1er Colloque International sur la Veille Informationnelle et Gestion des Connaissances dans les Organisations (VEIGECO 2016), April 21-22, 2016, Tunis, Tunisia
Thème de la conférence: Gouvernance des Connaissances dans les Organisations
(Co-organisateurs: Unité de recherche Bibliothèque Numérique et Patrimoine, Institut Supérieur de Documentation, Université de la Manouba; Association pour la gestion des connaissances dans la société et les organisations (AGeCSO); International Society for Knowledge Organization: Chapitre Maghreb)
5ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2015, November 13-14, 2015, Hammamet, Tunisia
Thème du colloque: Organisation de la Connaissance dans la perspective des Humanités Numériques : recherche et application / Knowledge Organization in the perspective of Digital Humanities: Reasearch and Applications
(Host: Université de La Manouba, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Tunis)
Sessions de colloque:
Digital Humanities in Collective Intelligence; e-Management for Knowledge Organization; Big Data, Data Engineering and Knowledge Visualization; Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Approaches; Knowledge Organization & Challenges; e-Learnning and Knowledge Models; Knowledge Organisation and Case Studies; e-Watch and Collaborative Environement; e-Systems, Knowledge and Process Management
Digitalizing the Humanities: some controversial challenges; The Digital Frontiers / Les Frontières Numériques; Direct Scientific Communication Tools: Innovation in Open Archives
Assemblée Générale ISKO- Maghreb
4ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2014, November 9–10, 2014, Algiers, Algeria
Thème du colloque: Concepts et outils pour le management de la connaissance (KM) / Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM)
(Host: Centre de recherche sur l’information scientifique et technique)
Sessions de colloque:
Data Mining, Approaches and Information Models; Image processing and Information Retrieval; Knowledge Organization and Models; Web Applications and Technologies; e-Learning: Models and Applications; Knowledge Organization and Management Applications; e-Library and Information Retreival; Document and Konowledge Organization; Poster Sessions (Approches & Systems for Knowledge Organization; Data, Information & Knowledge: models & implementations)
INFONOMICS: a new discipline of ICT; An overview of Smart Grid: Technologies, Applications and Research Challenges; From hypertext to collaborative, social and adaptive hypermedia: Lessons and projects from the Paragraphe Lab
Assemblée Générale ISKO- Maghreb
3ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2013, November 8–9, 2013, Marrakech, Morocco
Thème du colloque: Concepts et outils pour le management de la connaissance (KM) / Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM)
(Host: Université Mohammed V Souissi, École Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique et d’Analyse des Systemes)
Sessions de colloque:
Classifications, Webometrics & Approaches; Modelization, Indexing & Information Retrieval; Resources, Knowledge & Knowledge Management in New Modes; Data, Web Services & Process; Didactics, Documents & Human Professions; Distance Learning: strategies, models & experiences; Ontology, Knowledge & Knowledge Management; Enterprise Architecture, Governance & Recommendation; Informations, Savoirs & Veilles; Posters Sessions (Models, Systems & Technologies; Information, Knowledge & Implementation)
Economic analysis of practice communities: the particular case of informational sharing; From Databases to Big Data; Complémentarité dans la gestion des compétences / Complementarity in Competence Management
Assemblée Générale ISKO- Maghreb
2ème Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2012, May 3–4, 2012, Hammamet, Tunisia
Thème du colloque: Concepts et outils pour le management de la connaissance (KM) / Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM)
(Host: Université de La Manouba, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Tunis)
Sessions de colloque:
Information, Usage & Collective Intelligence; e-Management & Knowledge; Knowledge Organization & Challanges; Models & Competitive Intelligence; e-Watch & Collaborative Environment; Databank, Knowledge Representation and Visualization; e-Learnning & Approachs
Digital images for decision making: some case studies; Rationalism in scientific management: the dialectic between formal and informal; Opening new perpectives for classifying and mining textual and web data
Assemblée Générale ISKO- Maghreb
Le colloque devait avoir lieu à Alger, en Algérie. Pour des raisons logistiques, il a été relocalisé. (The colloquium was supposed to take place in Algiers, Algeria. For logistics reasons it was re-located.)
1er Colloque International ISKO-Maghreb 2011, May 13–14, 2011, Hammamet, Tunisia
Thème du colloque: Concepts et outils pour le management de la connaissance (KM) / Concepts and Tools for Knowledge Management (KM)
(Host: Université de La Manouba, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Tunis)
Sessions de colloque:
Usage, Connaissance & Recherche d’Information; Web & Approches sémantiques; e-Learnning & Modèles; Gestion & Processus de Management de la Connaissance (KM); Web & Applications; Bibliométrie & Modèles de Classification; Modèles de Management de la Connaissance (KM); e-Veille & Environnement numérique; Données, Connaissances & Savoir
Intelligent agents and multi-agent systems: a review; Open Archive (HAL) : direct scientific communication Tool; Organization, Management and Engeneering of Knowledge
Assemblée Générale ISKO- Maghreb