Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA)*
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The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Knowledge management in the public sector, 1-3 September 2004, Johannesburg, South Africa
Launch of the DBSA knowledge mobilisation vision for development excellence in Africa
- Knowledge Management Capacity for African Research Institutes and Networks: Southern Africa Workshop, November 29 – December 1, 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa
(Organizer: Global Development Network (GDN), in cooperation with the Development Bank of Southern Africa and the World Bank Institute)
Knowledge Management Africa (KMA) Initiative | Knowledge Hub | Foundation (est. 2003?)
Local Chapters/Networks
- KMA Central African Chapter
- KMA Kenya Chapter National Steering Committee (was: KMA East African Chapter; est. 2009 – still active)
- KMA North African Chapter
- KMA Southern African Chapter
- KMA West African Chapter
Special Interest Groups
- AICCIFL – African ICT Criminal Intelligence, Forensics and Litigation SIG
- ENN Africa
- Knowledge Management & Communications
- Knowledge Management & Economic Challenges
- Knowledge Management & Governance
- Knowledge Management & Social Challenges
- Knowledge Management & the Environment
- Knowledge Management for Conflict & Change Management
- Knowledge Management, Emerging Technologies and Innovative Schemes
- Personal Knowledge Management Project
- Tourism Knowledge SIG
- Zulu culture, language & traditions
- … on topics in Knowledge Management in Africa
KMA Kenya Chapter
- Capacity Development Training of Knowledge Management Champions in MDAs (Ministries, Departments and Agencies)1)
Knowledge Management Africa (KMAfrica) Conference**
The biennial Knowledge Management Africa (KMAfrica) Conference brings together policy-makers, development institutions, donors, international agencies, academics, sector professionals, and civil society organizations for knowledge dissemination and exchange to shape the future of Africa.
- KMAfrica 2011 – Fourth Biennial Conference, June 2011, Tunis, Tunisia
(Partner: Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology, Government of Tunisia)-
Planned but not realized!
- KMAfrica 2009 – Third Biennial Conference, 4-7 May 2009, Dakar, Senegal
Conference Theme: Knowledge to Reposition Africa in the World Economy / Le Savoir pour repositionner l’Afrique dans l’Économie Mondiale
(Partners: African Development Bank, Senegalese Government, African Regional Centre for Technology, National Academy for Sciences and Techniques of Senegal)-
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge management and Economic challenges; Knowledge management and Social challenges; Knowledge management and the Environment; Knowledge management and GovernanceOpening/Plenary Session (Signing the ANSTS/CRAT/DBSA Memorandum of Agreement, Speeches)
The KMA Journey: Principles, Cases, Issues and Prospects (paper session)
Knowledge Management Systems: Experienced, Lessons and Prospects for Africa (round table discussion)
Institutional Experiences: KMA Sustainability and Governance (round table discussion)
Closing Ceremony (Dakar Declaration for KMA; Speeches)Post-conference Workshops: (May 6)
Knowledge Management and Economic Challenges
Knowledge Management and Social Challenges
Knowledge Management and Environmental Challenges
Knowledge Management and Governance
Knowledge Management and Innovative AvenuesExhibition
KMA Ad hoc Committee MeetingNote: Suggestion to create the KMA Foundation. DBSA is mandated to study draft guidelines for the creation of the foundation
- KMAfrica 2007 – Second Biennial Conference, 17-19 July 2007, Nairobi, Kenya
Conference Theme: Knowledge to Remobilize Africa
(Partners: Ministry of Planning and National Development (Government of Kenya), University of the Witwatersrand)-
Conference Presentations:
A model for community participation in African libraries to preserve indigenous knowledge
Activity based costing and its application to service delivery in the public sector
African storytelling and knowledge management (KM)
City planning, management and government in Zimbabwe: relational discordance and contestations
Community participation and local government planning for sustainable development in Lesotho: a critical analysis of the “Quick and Smart Planning Model (QSP)”
Competitive public service delivery within the knowledge economy in South Africa
Conceptual framework and guidelines for a comprehensive indigenous knowledge database
Creating a critical mass of science communicators
Debt relief, access to water and sanitation, and education in Africa (3 presentations)
Delivery of services to meet millennium development goals
Determinants of spill-over occurrence from MNC firms in Kenya’s manufacturing industry
Education and inequality
Employing ICT and knowledge management to enhance community development: lessons from Phokeng, South Africa
Enhancing governance, performance effectiveness and capacity to deliver government services in sub-Saharan Africa through knowledge management
Evolution: who is left behind! The digital divide and information poverty in Africa
Growing a knowledge-based economy in Africa: Opportunities and challenges. The case of Uganda
Growing a knowledge-based economy in Africa: Opportunities and challenges
Hands-on engagement development programme
Healing the nation through empowerment in trade and professions, skills and development
Implementing a knowledge management (KM) strategy: challenges and lessons
Knowledge generation, political actions and African development: the polycentric approach
Knowledge management (KM) and intranet technology
Knowledge management and intranet technology
Knowledge pre-defined and contextualized in the absence of indigenous consciousness: A call to mobilize African thought through the dispensation of indigenous knowledge systems and how they can aid in bettering the lives of all Africans – economically and culturally
Malaria and agriculture: managing knowledge across sectoral boundaries
Opportunities for increasing knowledge management and transfer in Zimbabwe through increased access to information, communication tools
Rethinking indigenous knowledge in bee-keeping for sustainable livelihoods: A case of Kitui district, Kenya
Subversive and crowded knowledge networks: is Africa in or out? (2 presentations)
Technology to the rescue in Nelson Mandela Bay – a different approach to capacity building
The future figures the past: conjuring the unexplored potential of folklore
The role of knowledge in improving waste management for sustainable development (2 presentations)
The urban water sector reform in Senegal: cornerstone towards the achievement of the millennium development goals
Towards a deeper understanding of local government leadership challenges in African contexts: Alternative questions, possible answers and new models for capacity building
Towards the development of a knowledge management practices surveys in knowledge intensive organizations
Vision and strategy as critical factors in the delivery of services to meet millennium development goals: lessons from South Africa
Winning communities
2 Presentations TBDSpecial Events:
Launch of the Knowledge Hub - KMAfrica 2005 – First Biennial Conference, 28 February – 3 March 2005, Johannesburg, South Africa
Conference Theme: Knowledge to Address Africa’s Development Challenges
(Partners: University of the Witwatersrand, New Partnership for Africa’s Development, Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa)-
Focus areas:
Governance (accountability and public participation); Service delivery (water and engergy); knowledge systems (technology and indigenous knowledge systems); Agriculture (food security)Conference Presentations:
Challenges and prospects for creation of knowledge for sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa
The role of the university and academia in knowledge mobilisation for development
Knowledge Management – lessons from the pioneers
A study on the status of knowledge management in selected national government departments with a focus on current strategy, structure, processes, rewards, people and technology architecture
Freeing the knowledge resources of public universities
A knowledge-based theory of the firm to guide strategy formulation
Systems thinking and conceptual models for development: the role of knowledge management
Bridging the gap between indigenous and new (scientific) knowledge to enhance Knowledge Management in Africa
Knowledge systems technology and indigenous systems in Africa
Aspects of indigenous knowledge and protection in small-scale farming systems: a challenge for advancement
Centres of excellence in science and technology for Africa’s sustainable development: towards new forms of regional and subregional networks
The challenges of urban water service delivery in Africa
Leveraging knowledge networks through communities of practice
The engineering book of knowledge: developing communities of practices within transnational organisations
Building R&D partnerships for Africa’s development
The urban water sector reform in Senegal: cornerstone towards the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals
Learning from a global knowledge network
User technology acceptance in Knowledge Management applications
Designing Knowledge Management systems for community development: lessons learnt from the implementation of a prototype
Malaria and agriculture: managing knowledge across sectoral boundaries
Strategic analysis and knowledge support system for rural development strategies in sub-Saharan Africa
Developing 21st-century knowledge solutions to rural Africa’s development challenges
Enhancing knowledge systems through records and information management – challenges and opportunities in a digital environment
Traditional methods for charcoal production: a case study from Mozambique
African water laws and institutions for rural water resource development
Outputs, outcomes, and objective-based monitoring: enhancing knowledge systems to improve service delivery
Framework for implementing Knowledge Management
Achieving national competitive advantage through knowledge strategies: a conceptual framework for developing countries based on the South African experience
The role of the National Electricity Regulator in Knowledge Management in the energy sector
An African cities energy network: knowledge management and capacity-building for integrated city energy management as a backbone to sustainable city development
How the development of a project life cycle helps to capture knowledge
Leading Africa into the knowledge society
Report on World Health Organisation (WHO) meeting on electronic medical records
Aligning demand and supply of knowledge for development: the case of East AfricaWorkshops:
(TBC) Workshops on developing and implement ing knowledge management programmes to adress development challenges