Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad (IMT Ghaziabad)*
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The Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad (IMT Ghaziabad or IMT G) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Management Development Programmes (MDPs)
- Mar 2010: Knowledge Management for Business (3 days)
- Apr 2008: Knowledge Management for Competitive Advantage (2 days)
- An Overview of Knowledge Management and Competitive Advantage
Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
Knowledge Modeling through Cogniscope Methodology
KM Applications at Bharti Airtel
Contribution of Communities of Practice in Knowledge Management for Competitive Advantage
Knowledge Modeling through Cogniscope Methodology (contd.)
Knowledge Management, Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage
Value Creation of Organisational Knowledge Assets
Information Technology Management Area > AICTE Research Project on “Developing a Framework for Flexible Knowledge Management Indices”
- Conference on Smart Knowledge Habitats, 21-22 September 2017, IMT Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, India
- The Conference on Smart Knowledge Habitats will provide a quality forum for interactions among diverse groups of persons interested in the above theme. These will include researchers, academicians, consultants, corporate professionals, government officials, representatives of think tanks, social service organizations, entrepreneurs and doctoral and Masters students working in the areas of smart cities, knowledge cities, urban development, rural development, entrepreneurship, innovation, governance and environment among others. Individuals can register to attend the conference as participants. It is a culmination of an AICTE supported project on knowledge management.
- Consultation Workshop on Knowledge Management (CWKM)
The Consultation Workshop on Knowledge Management (CWKM), organized in collaboration with the World Capital Institute (WCI), is conducted as part of the AICTE Research Project on “Developing a Framework for Flexible Knowledge Management Indices” to elicit suggestions on this issue.- 2nd Consultation Workshop on Knowledge Management (CKWM2011), 24-25 March 2011, IMT Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, India
- 1st Consultation Workshop on Knowledge Management (CKWM2010), 30 April 2010, IMT Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, India
- International Conference on Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital (ICKMIC), 26-27 February 2009, IMT Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, India
(Co-organizer: Centre for Knowledge Systems, Tecnológico de Monterrey; World Capital Institute)- The International Conference on Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital (ICKMIC) will assemble the academicians, industry professionals, knowledge management professionals in development agencies and research scholars to share knowledge & latest facts. The conference invites papers, case studies and innovative practices on the related field.
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge Management in Corporate Sector Organisations; Knowledge Sharing, social networks and Learning Organisations; Intellectual Capital valuation and reporting; Knowledge-based Development and Knowledge Cities; Organisation Value Chain & Information Technology; Business Intelligence; Internet Technologies and Computer-supported Collaborative Work; Technology Management; Management of Innovation and Intellectual Property
Centre for Rural Innovation & Capacity Building through Knowledge Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology (CRICKET)
- International Conference on Rural Innovation, Capacity Building, Knowledge Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology (ICRICKET), 2-3 January 2013, India Habitat Center, New Delhi, India
(Co-organizer: Centre for Entrepreneurship, Essex Business School, University of Essex)- ICRICKET aims to facilitate sharing of ideas and concepts on the inter-linkages between the research issues related to innovation, knowledge, entrepreneurship and technology.
Paper Sessions:
Knowledge Management; Technology Management; Capacity Building; Entrepreneurship; InnovationPanel Disscussions:
Rural Innovation, Capacity Building, Knowledge Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology