Knowledge Science and Technology Institute (KSTI)*
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The Knowledge Science and Technology Institute (KSTI), aka the Knowledge Management (KM) University of Hawaii, planned as the non-profit private International School of Knowledge Economics (IKSE) in the State of Arizona as part of the Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC), a wholly owned subsidiary of the eKnowledgeCenter and Innovation Management Institute (2002) and its successor the Cognatek Group (2003),1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Certification/Certificate Programs
- Certified Knowledge Manager
(awarded by the Knowledge Management Certification Board2)) - Certified Knowledge Economics
(awarded by the Global Knowledge Economics Council) - Certified Knowledge Systems Engineer
(awarded by the Global Knowledge Economics Council) - Knowledge Continuity Planning (May 2002)
- Knowledge Management for Homeland Defense and Emergency Management (June 2002)
- COR 501 Introduction to Knowledge Management Concepts (free)
- Course Goal Setting
What is Knowledge Management?
The Knowledge Process
The Knowledge Management View
Levels of Knowledge
Knowledge Economics
Knowledge Management as a Business Strategy
Getting Started
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- M.S. Knowledge Science and Technology (2002: M.S. Knowledge Management)
Specialization: General Knowledge Management; Knowledge Science; Knowledge Technology; Innovation Management (TBD); Business (TBD); Government (TBD); Change and Innovation (TBD)- Core Courses
KM 601 Introduction to Knowledge Science and Technology (was: Natural and Artificial Knowledge Systems 4 cr.
KM 605 Sociology of Knowledge and Social Cognition (was: Sociology of Knowledge, Social Cognition, and Social Networks) 4 cr.
KM 615 Knowledge Economics (was: Knowledge Science with Knowledge Economics) 4 cr.
KM 617 Knowledge System Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methods (was: Knowledge System Measurement and Evaluation) 4 cr.
KM 619 Critical Survey of Knowledge Technology (was: Critical Survey of KM Technology) 4 cr.General Knowledge Management Specialization
KM 620 Seminar: Issues in Knowledge Management (was: Seminar: Innovation Management) (prerequisite: TBD) 4 cr.
KM 622 Seminar: Survey of KM Case Studies (prerequisite: TBD) 4 cr.
KM 624 Seminar: Human Knowledge Systems (was: Seminar: Knowledge-based Systems) (prerequisite: KM TBD) 4 cr.
KM 625 Seminar: Systems Dynamics and Knowledge Dynamics (prerequisite: KM TBD) 4 cr.
KM 626 Seminar: Knowledge Technology (was: Seminar: Computer Technology in Knowledge Management) (prerequisite: KM 615) 4 cr.
KM 690 Seminar: Leadership in the Knowledge Centric Organizations 5 cr.Knowledge Science Specialization
KM 631 Seminar: Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, and Social Sciences (prerequisite: KM TBD) 4 cr.
KM 622 Seminar: Knowledge-based Systems (prerequisite: TBD) 4 cr.
KM 623 Seminar: Systems Thinking and Knowledge Dynamics (prerequisite: TBD) 4 cr.
KM 627Seminar: Advanced Knowledge Economics (prerequisite: TDB) 4 cr.
KM 633 Seminar: Information Science (prerequisite: KM TDB) 4 cr.
KM 690 Seminar: Leadership in the Knowledge Centric Organizations 5 cr.Knowledge Technology Specialization
KM 640 Seminar: Seminar: Cognitive Technology (was: Cognition and Technological Delivery of Knowledge) 4 cr.
KM 642 Seminar: Integration of Technology in Knowledge Systems 5 cr.
KM 644 Seminar: Management of Technology for Knowledge Systems 5 cr.
KM 645 Seminar: Knowledge Production and Diffusion Using Technology 6 cr.
KM 690 Seminar: Leadership in the Knowledge Centric Organization 5 cr. - Ph.D. Knowledge Science and Technology (2002 Ph.D. Knowledge Management)
Specializations (TBD): Knowledge Management Leadership; Knowledge Management in Government; Knowledge Technology; Knowledge Economic; Innovation Management; Knowledge Science; Self-designed Specialization)- Core Module I: Principles of Cognitive Development (14 total credit hours)
KMAD 811 Theories of Cognitive Development (5 cr.)
KMAD 812 Current Research in Cognitive Development (5 cr.)
KMAD 813 Professional Practice and Cognitive Development (4 cr.)Core Module II: Principles of Social Cognition (14 total credit hours)
KMAD 821 Theories of Social Cognition (5 cr.)
KMAD 822 Current Research in Social Cognition (5 cr.)
KMAD 823 Professional Practice and Social Cognitive Development (4 cr.)Core Module III: Principles of Organizational and Social Systems (14 total credit hours)
KMAD 831 Theories of Organizational and Social Systems (5 cr.)
KMAD 832 Current Research in Organizational and Social Systems (5 cr.)
KMAD 833 Professional Practice and Organizational and Social Systems (4 cr.)Core Module IV: Principles of Social and Behavioral Science Research (14 total credit hours)
KMAD 841 Research Seminar I: Human Inquiry and Science (4 cr.)
KMAD 842 Research Design in Knowledge Science (5 cr.)
KMAD 843 Data Analysis in Knowledge Science Research (5 cr.)Specialized Module V: Theories of Intelligence, Learning and Motivation (14 total credit hours)
KMAD 851 Theories of Cognition, Learning and Motivation (5 cr.)
KMAD 852 Knowledge Managers as Facilitators (5 cr.)
KMAD 853 Professional Practice Using Knowledge Theories (4 cr.)Specialized Module VI: Knowledge Centric Organizations: Organization, Purpose, Goals and Missions (14 total credit hours)
KMAD 861 The Organization of Knowledge Centric Organizations (5 cr.)
KMAD 862 Social Change in Knowledge Centric Institutions (5 cr.)
KMAD 863 Creating and Implementing Cultural Change (4 cr.)Specialized Module VII: Research in Knowledge Management (14 total credit hours)
KMAD 871 Case Study or Control Group Method (5 cr.)
KMAD 872 Current Research and Analysis of Selected Issues (5 cr.)
KMAD 873 Case Study or Control Group Research Report and Evaluation (4 cr.)Dissertation (30 credit hours)
KM 900 Dissertation - M.S. Homeland Defense and Emergency Management (Emphasis on Knowledge Management) (TBA)
- Ph.D. Homeland Defense and Emergency Management (Emphasis on Knowledge Management) (TBA)