Records & Information Management East Africa (RIMEA)
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Records & Information Management East Africa (RIMEA)1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
RIM Capacity Building Division
Certificate Courses
- Executive Certificates in Knowledge Management
- Executive Certificate in Knowledge Management
Intermediate Knowledge Management Training (2 weeks) - Executive Certificate in Advanced Knowledge Management
Advanced Knowledge Management Training (3 weeks; 2021: 2 weeks/12 days)
- Executive Certificate in Knowledge Management
- Certificate in Automated Library Management Services and Knowledge Management (Beginner Level)**
Public Training
- Nov 2024: Regional Information and Knowledge Management Seminar (4 days, Tanzania)
- Jul 2024: Knowledge Management in Financial Institutions Training Course (3 days, Kenya)
- Knowledge Management Workshop (5 days)
9th Knowledge Management Workshop: Developing knowledge management capabilities: a structured approach (May 2020)
8th Knowledge Management Workshop: Align knowledge management with your organization’s strategy and objectives (Jan 2020)
7th Knowledge Management Workshop: Successful Set-Up and Integration of Knowledge Management in Service Delivery (planned: Knowledge Management Technology Solutions) (Nov 2019)
6th Knowledge Management Workshop: Strategic Planning (Sep 2019)
5th Knowledge Management Workshop: Knowledge Management Strategy, Policies, Standards and Set Up of Knowledge Management Units (Feb 2019)
4th Knowledge Management Workshop: Knowledge Management Strategy (Oct 2018)
3rd Knowledge Management Workshop: Using Knowledge as an Enhancer to Effective Service Delivery (Jul 2018)
2nd Knowledge Management Workshop: Using Knowledge as an Enhancer to Effective Service Delivery (Dec 2017)
… - Jun 2021: Knowledge Management for Departmental Heads, HR and KM Champions (5 days); Knowledge Management Workshop for Customer Service and Admin Officers (5 days)
- Apr 2021: Knowledge Management Workshop for Departmental Heads (5 days)
- Feb 2021: Knowledge management Workshop for HR managers (5 days)
- Nov 2020: Knowledge Management Feasibility, Planning and Implementation Workshop (5 days)
- Oct 2020: Knowledge Management Policy & Strategic Planning Workshop (5days)
- Customer Experience Workshop: Communication, Mail Management, Records Management & Knowledge (5 days)
>> Nov 2019, Sep 2019, June 2019, Jan 2019 - Oct 2019: Knowledge Management Strategy and Planning (3 days)
- Apr 2019: Library and Knowledge Management Workshop (5 days)
- Jan 2019: 9th Knowledge Management Training: Successful Set-Up and Integration of Knowledge Management in Service Delivery (5 Days)
- Jul 2018: Knowledge Management 101: Introduction to Knowledge Management (2 Days)
- Jun 2018: Records & Information Management Workshop for Non Records Managers (3 days)
- Mar 2018: Library and Knowledge Management Workshop (1 day)
- Records and Knowledge Management Workshop (5 days)
2nd Records and Knowledge Management Workshop (MarApr 2017)
1st Records and Knowledge Management Workshop (Dec 2016) - Customer Service, Knowledge Management Workshop (3 days)
3rd Customer Service, Knowledge Management Workshop: Managing Information Leakage, Knowledge and loss of Records/Documents (Sep 2016)
In-house Training
- 2020
Strategic Planning for Knowledge Management
Basic Knowledge Management
Set up and Implementing Knowledge Management Systems
Knowledge Management for HR Staff
Knowledge management: Organizational Culture and Leadership
Knowledge Management Strategy - Knowledge Management Basics, Intranets and Knowledge Portals (for staff)
- Knowledge Management Strategy and Planning (for Managers/Section Heads)
- Knowledge Management Strategy (for CEOs/Board of Directors)
- Knowledge Management 101: Introduction to Knowledge Management (monthly; for staff)
- The Knowledge Management Sensitization Program (2 days; for Departmental Heads)
Virtual Training (1 day)
Knowledge Management 101
Fundamentals and Key Concepts of Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management Strategy
Knowledge Sharing Techniques and Processes
The Knowledge Management Life Cycle
Knowledge Management Models
RIMPEA Network Training
- Mar 2018: Library and Knowledge Management (training)
- Annual “East Africa Knowledge Management Conference” and others
- Records and Information Management Professionals in East Africa (RIMPEA)