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Knowledge Management: Standards and Practices*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The expert session “Knowledge Management: Standards and Practices” (Russian: Экспертная сессия «Управление знаниями. Стандарты и практики»), organized by the Business Information Systems Group of Companies (BIS GK) in cooperation with KM-Alliance and the Financial University, Department of Management (until 2019), aims to bring the theory and practice of knowledge management closer together, to provide the

Congresso Nacional de Gestão do Conhecimento na Esfera Pública (CONGEP)**

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

O Congresso Nacional de Gestão do Conhecimento na Esfera Pública (CONGEP) tem proporcionado o debate sobre a Gestão do Conhecimento e ocupado importante espaço na agenda nacional, nos fóruns de discussão e nas diversas publicações especializadas sobre o contexto contemporâneo de transformação do Estado e da sociedade. História do congresso:

Legal Horizons Conference**

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Legal Horizons Conference (by invitation only), formerly the Legal Knowledge & Innovation Conference and the Law Firm Knowledge Management Conference, organized by Janders Dean International, is a forum to bring leaders in the field of law firm and corporate legal knowledge management and information technology management together. Venues: Since 2008