The Knowledge Graph Forum, organized by Zazuko, serves as a platform where companies are invited to share their ongoing work and use cases with Knowledge Graphs. The goal is to encourage learning and sharing of valuable insights from their projects. The primary interest lies in Knowledge Graphs based on the Resource
information architecture
ServiceNow, formerly and, a product of Glidesoft, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Earley Information Science (EIS)
Earley Information Science (EIS), formerly Earley & Associates, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Graduate programs related to Knowledge Management
Abstract: Knowledge management spans numerous disciplines, so it is not surprising that graduate level programs in KM have their roots in diverse fields. Some have emerged from library science and focus on the management of information, including records management. Others come from an IT perspective and offer enterprise information systems or database management programs.
Knowledge organization education: a study
Abstract: This paper presents the preliminary results of a study investigating the current state of knowledge organization education in American schools of library and information science. The goal of the study is to assess the status of entry-level knowledge organization education in U.S. library and information schools from three perspectives: course content, students’ perception,