Filed in: innovation management

Knowledge Management & Innovation for Legal Conference (KM&I for Legal Conference)

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Knowledge Management & Innovation for Legal Conference (KM&I for Legal Conference), organized by InspireKM Consulting, is focusing on value, innovaton, and knowledge management for legal professionals. It is an event for Knowledge Management and innovaiton profressionals of all levels. Conference History: 3rd KM&I for Legal Conference 2025, October

Stellenbosch Business Institute (SBI)

Providers | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Stellenbosch Business Institute (SBI), an operating executive education division within the Da Vinci Institute for Technology Management (DaVinci Institute/Business School) and wholly owned by Eduvos, formerly the independent Stellenbosch Graduate Institute (SGI),1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training