In the discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Susan M. asks: Hello all! Can anyone recommend a useful website that provides compensation information for Knowledge Management positions? Specifically KM Specialist roles. I’d prefer one that doesn’t require you to subscribe or sign up. Thanks in
Knowledge Management positions
Skills and educational requisites in knowledge management job ads
Abstract: This poster reports the results of a preliminary investigation on the skills and educational requisites that appear in knowledge management (KM) job advertisements. KM is generally understood to encompass tactics and practices that enable organizations to identify, capture, represent, and make available understandings and insights that can be found within individuals and groups.
Knowledge Management Jobs in Kenya
Abstract: Rationale of study – Most organisations in Kenya face challenges integrating the knowledge management function in their structures due to the lack of a clear understanding of what knowledge managers should do. Consequently, there currently exist varied, unpredictable and often shallow job descriptions associated with knowledge managers. Methodology – The researchers conducted
Knowledge Management Core Team Job Descriptions
Abstract: As part of APQC’s second Knowledge Management (KM) Advanced Working Group, the APQC research team worked with KM practitioners from leading organizations to create job descriptions for some of the most important positions on an organization’s KM core team: KM leader, KM specialist, KM communication director, and KM IT/business analyst. This document contains
Librarians the ultimate knowledge managers?
Abstract: This paper seeks to establish the state of knowledge of Knowledge Management (KM) among Library and Information Services (LIS) professionals, the extent to which they find positions in the KM sector, the extent to which they practise identifiable KM processes in their work and the adequacy of educational preparation and professional development opportunities.