Abstract: One of our clients got in touch recently to ask if we had any good examples of organisations with a career path for their Knowledge Management professionals. The honest answer was No, we don’t have any examples, and there does not seem to be much out there on the web
Knowledge Management career
…opportunities, track, path, areas, development etc.
Teaching Knowledge Management in postgraduate LIS education at Edith Cowan University
Abstract: The School of Computer and Information Science at ECU has made a commitment to teaching Knowledge Management (KM) and is, at present, engaged in the process of determining its place within existing postgraduate LIS and IT courses. In turn, it is engaging in debate with other academics and industry practitioners about the unique
Can anyone do Knowledge Management?
In the Knowledge Management Consultants LinkedIn Group Deonie B. asks: Knowledge management: a hobby or a career? Someone commented to me that “anyone can do KM and that you certainly do not need a qualification to be a KM professional”. I have a doctorate in KM and has lectured it for
Salaries for Knowledge Manager roles
Read more » Nick Milton: Salaries for Knowledge Manager roles. Knoco Stories, 07.11.2012
Knowledge management a viable and sustainable career path?
In the LinkedIn Group of the Gurteen Knowledge Management Community Art S. asks: With the proliferation of KM certifications, certificates, master classes, and formal education one might think that becoming schooled in KM would lead to a long and exciting career as a Chief Knowledge Officer, Knowledge Manager, Knowledge Engineer, Knowledge