Abstract: Not too long ago I swatted the beehive that is the KM CKO position. And, as one might expect when doing so, the stings were numerous and from every direction. If you’re unfamiliar with my initial foray into this discussion, basically it went something like this: if the CKO role is dead, we
Knowledge Management leader
13 Knowledge Management Position Descriptions
Abstract: The KMEF KM Competency Group has drafted 13 position descriptions for review and comments: Position descriptions that have been developed for the KM Competencies Wiki at this early of a date may be premature, but could be used as a bolt on or additional resources later in the facilitation process. We
Knowledge Management Core Team Job Descriptions
Abstract: As part of APQC’s second Knowledge Management (KM) Advanced Working Group, the APQC research team worked with KM practitioners from leading organizations to create job descriptions for some of the most important positions on an organization’s KM core team: KM leader, KM specialist, KM communication director, and KM IT/business analyst. This document contains
Knowledge Management Communities, Competencies, Education & Events on ‘The Knowledge Bucket’
Initiated by Cory Banks (Australia), ‘The Knowledge Bucket’ is an open source wiki on topics in knowledge management. 1) In terms of content about knowledge management, definitly worth to take a look on it, for educators/trainers (course designers) as well as for students. The wiki’s resource pages on Communities (archived wki page),
Qualities that make a great Knowledge Management boss unforgettable
Abstract: I am just coming back from Arusha, Tanzania where I was with a colleague who recently shared an article about what unforgettable bosses do. A very useful article, though quite general… …so a good opportunity to examine what an unforgettable KM boss does. Much of the rationale