13 Knowledge Management Position Descriptions
Abstract: The KMEF KM Competency Group has drafted 13 position descriptions for review and comments:
Position descriptions that have been developed for the KM Competencies Wiki at this early of a date may be premature, but could be used as a bolt on or additional resources later in the facilitation process. We are currently focusing on the development of Competencies Model and Roles and Functions for now.
There is no one set of KM Position Descriptions that perfectly matches every organizations view of KM. Therefore these should serve as a guide for the Behavioral and Technical Competencies that are developed through the respective groups.
The 13 KM position descriptions are a draft of some, but not all position descriptions that might be required for a KM environment. This is a work-in-progress and is open to participants of the KM Competency Wiki or other readers of the Wiki who want to offer suggestions, edits, and/or post comments or suggest other KM position description that are relevant to their organization.
The KM Competencies group started with Position Description KSAs to help define the competencies. These KM position description can serve as a guide to get others to discuss the competencies. Also as a foundation for others to use in their respective organizations as needed.
The Position Descriptions will be placed on individual Wiki pages so you can comment and edit as appropriate:
- Chief Knowledge Officer / Knowledge Management Leader,
- Knowledge Manager,
- Knowledge Management Analyst,
- Knowledge Management Researcher,
- Knowledge Worker,
- Community of Practice Leader,
- Knowledge Management Communications Manager,
- Knowledge Management Content Manager,
- Knowledge Management Information Architect,
- Knowledge Management Learning and Development Manager,
- Knowledge Asset Manager,
- Knowledge Management Librarian, and
- Knowledge Management Network Advisor
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KMEF KM Competencies CoP: 13 position descriptions for review and comments. Knowledge Management Education Forum (Knowledge Management Competencies Community of Practice), 2012