Abstract: What part will knowledge organization (KO) play in our ability to find and manage information in the future, whether it’s on websites, document management systems, collaboration systems, corporate intranets, or even on shared drives? What sort of roles will be needed to cope with the ever increasing amounts of information that we’re dealing
knowledge management skills
Chief Knowledge Officer as Knowledge Champion
Abstract: MAYBE YOU FIRST HEARD ABOUT IT on the elevator, during a business lunch or on the golf course. Whatever the venue, at some point in the past few years you heard the words knowledge management (KM). And there’s a good chance your company has since come to understand the necessity of transforming information
Are librarians the ultimate knowledge managers?
Abstract: Librarians are the ultimate knowledge managers. We all know that. After all, haven’t we been the custodians of documented knowledge for centuries? Who could possibly do it better than us? Well, then why aren’t people knocking down our doors, begging us to be the knowledge managers of the organisation? Are they just ignorant
Knowledge Roles, Knowledge Management Skills, and Organization Structures
Abstract: There is no right way to organize for delivery of knowledge management. Much depends on the existing structures and responsibilities that already exist within an organization. We have already considered the role of the knowledge leader. But what kind of organization does he or she need in support? We consider in turn:
Knowledge Roles: The Chief Knowledge Officer and Beyond
Abstract: Knowledge management is all the rage. It has replaced reengineering as the hot conference topic of the day. And it’s not just being discussed-it’s actually being done. Hewlett-Packard unveiled more than 20 initiatives to manage knowledge at a recent workshop. In the past couple