Filed in: knowledge manager

Assessing knowledge manager learning needs

Abstract: This paper discusses an exploratory investigation of the role of concept mapping techniques for assessing knowledge manager learning needs and developing knowledge management (KM) training programs and courses. The research data were collected using seven concept map templates completed by 13 KM students during a 15-week higher education course. The study found that

When to Trust Knowledge Managers?

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: If its a tough job being a knowledge manager, it’s an even tougher job to trust them with your organisation’s culture and infrastructure. A survey we conducted last year for iKMS found that most knowledge managers are teleported into their jobs from somewhere else, have very little prior knowledge or expertise in KM,

Knowledge Managers Share Knowledge!?

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: I’ve had a creeping suspicion for some time that knowledge managers are fine about encouraging others to share knowledge, but that dictum doesn’t apply to them. In my role as President of iKMS I am always trying to get knowledge managers to share, and the ones who do are in the brave minority