The Peter Drucker Society Europe (PDSE), formerly the Peter Drucker Society of Austria, an affiliate of the Drucker Institute at Claremont Graduate University, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
knowledge worker
Formal and non-formal Knowledge Management education in Russia
Abstract: The article is devoted to the identification of key features of training specialists in knowledge management and systematization of information sources available to them. The relevance of the subject is related to the growing need for managerial personnel, capable of organizing work with knowledge at the enterprise in order to achieve competitive advantages.
Knowledge Management Team Roles in Customer Service
Abstract: Whether implementing a new Knowledge Management initiative or maintaining Knowledge Management in BAU, customer service organisations need to consider the following roles for a Knowledge Team. All organisations are different, so the size and scale of the team may vary, and you may have individuals performing multiple roles simultaneously.
Society of Knowledge Base Publishers*
The Society of Knowledge Base Publishers, sponsored by the Montague Institute, is a membership organization for information professionals engaged in managing intellectual assets in a business context. Members of this multidisciplinary community of practice include people from librarianship, knowledge management, organization development, corporate learning, information technology, and business management. The Society of