Abstract: The Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC) Board of Directors approved today a plan to allow knowledge management knowledge producers an opportunity to provide knowledge management and knowledge economics courses via the GKEC. There are further plans to develop a Non-Profit Private 501(c) 3 Graduate School. Read more »
KnowledgeBoard – European Knowledge Management Forum*
Exact role of the effective Knowledge Manager?
On the KnowledgeBoard discussion list Kavita P. asks: I would like to know what exactly is the role of knowledge manager and how one can enhance oneself to be effective knowledge manager. Archived discussion » Kavita P.: Exact role of Knowledge Manager. KnowledgeBoard discussion list,
Knowledge Management Summit (KM Summit)**
The Knowledge Management Summit (KM Summit), organized by ARK Group and Ark Conferences, resp., emerged from a fusion of the Knowledge Management UK (KMUK) and Knowledge management for the legal profession (KM Legal UK) conferences in 2018. In 2018 and 2019, the KM Summit was therefore promoted as cross industry event bringing the Knowledge Management
Swiss Knowledge Management Forum (SKMF)
The Swiss Knowledge Management Forum (SKMF) 1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
ARK Group
The ARK Group (ARK stands for Applied Research & Knowledge), a division of Wilmington,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training