Filed in: “OER”

Plattform Wissensmanagement – Stern im Wissensmanagement-Orbit

Zusammenfassung: Die Plattform Wissensmanagement – ein Stern im Wissensmanagement-Orbit Im Zeitalter des Wissensarbeiters spielt das Wissensmanagement (WM) eine zentrale Rolle im täglichen Umgang mit dem persönlichen sowie fremden Wissen. Den Weg und das Ziel nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren, zählen zu den größten Herausforderungen im täglichen Umgang mit Wissen. Zur Unterstützung von WM

Knowledge Management Skills and Capabilities Required in South Africa

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: The absence of an adequate framework that defines Knowledge Management (KM) skills and capabilities makes it extremely difficult to determine the roles and responsibilities of knowledge practitioners in South Africa. Defining these skills and capabilities is essential because KM focuses on the gathering and storing of organisational information to ensure the effective and

Knowledge Governance Conceptual Framework

Abstract: This exploratory systematic literature review is a starting point for a deep literature review on “Knowledge Governance” (KGOV) topic. The aim is to have a quick picture about KGOV; specifically trying to identify the seminal, core and relevant documents. We also seek to know the contexts of these studies, as well as on