K3-Cubed, for some time branded as Human Factor One,1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
professional development
U.K. Government Knowledge & Information Management Professional Skills Framework
Abstract: The GKIM Professional Skills Framework has been developed to support the delivery of the recommendations in ‘Information matters: building government’s capability in managing knowledge and information’. The framework has been approved and endorsed by the Knowledge Council. The GKIM Professional Skills Framework provides government with a common language to describe
Singapore Institute of Management (SIM)
The Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Do you hold a specialist Knowledge Management qualification? – survey findings
Abstract: The following is taken from The 2015 Global Knowledge Management Observatory© Report (second edition). This comprehensive report into the state of KM is available as a FREE download; with 729 respondents from 56 countries, the report poses interesting challenges for KM practitioners that need to be addressed if the function is to be
Librarians the ultimate knowledge managers?
Abstract: This paper seeks to establish the state of knowledge of Knowledge Management (KM) among Library and Information Services (LIS) professionals, the extent to which they find positions in the KM sector, the extent to which they practise identifiable KM processes in their work and the adequacy of educational preparation and professional development opportunities.