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RKW Rationalisierungs- und Innovationszentrum der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.

Communities & Social Networks | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The RKW Rationalisierungs- und Innovationszentrum der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V. (RKW), formerly the Rationalisierungs-Kuratorium der Deutschen Wirtschaft e. V. (RKW) and the Reichskuratorium für Wirtschaftlichkeit in Industrie und Handwerk (RKW), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training

Knowledge Management Society (KMS), Singapore

Communities & Social Networks | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Knowledge Management Society (KMS), Singapore, formerly the Information and Knowledge Management Society (iKMS) and a Knowledge Management interest group at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) 1), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training