O Congresso Brasileiro de Organização e Representação do Conhecimento (ISKO Brazil) (English: Brazilian Conference on Knowledge Organization and Representation), é a conferência bienal do capítulo brasileiro do Sociedade Internacional para Organização do Conhecimento (English: International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)). Enquanto as conferências dos capítulos da ISKO são realizadas em anos ímpares,
Universidade de Brasília
Teaching Knowledge Management Systems in Architecture
Abstract: The teaching of artificial intelligence techniques in architecture has generally adopted a computer science oriented approach. However, most of these teaching experiment have failed to raise enthusiasm on the students or long term interest in the subject. It is argued in this paper that the main cause for this failure is due to
International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM)*
- Joint conference with the Congresso Internacional de Conhecimento e Inovação (ciKi) and the Global Forum of Intellectual Capital (GFIC)