University of Mauritius (UoM)*
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The University of Mauritius (UoM; French: Université de Maurice), rooted in the School of Agriculture, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Mauritius International Business School 1)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Postgraduate Diploma (PgD) / Master of Science (MSc) in Knowledge Management** 2)
MIBS 1545(PgD) Strategic Knowledge Management
MIBS 1205(PgD) Human Capital Management
MIBS 1465(PgD) Knowledge Management Enabling Technologies
MIBS 1475(PgD) Knowledge Management Processes
MIBS 66260 (PgD) Technopreneurship & Venture CreationMIBS 1996(Y) Dissertation
MIBS 19521 Research Methods (I)
MIBS 19352 Research Methods (II)ELECTIVE MODULES (PgD/MSc: choose one)
MIBS 14860 Knowledge Management in the Public Sector
MIBS 61460 Knowledge Management in Small & Medium Business
MIBS 13960 Knowledge Management in Tourism & Hospitality Sector
MIBS 40260 Knowledge Management in ICT Sector
MIBS 20560 Knowledge Management in Professional & Financial Services sector
MIBS 14960 Knowledge Management in Manufacturing Sector
MIBS 15060 Knowledge Management in eCommerce