University of New South Wales (UNSW)
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The University of New South Wales (UNSW), currently branded as UNSW Sydney, formerly the New South Wales University of Technology, rooted in the Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts and the Sydney Technical College, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Faculty of Engineering > School of Computer Science and Engineering
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master of Philosophy (MPhil) / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer Science and Engineering (research areas/groups: Data and Knowledge; Knowledge Representation and Reasoning)
- 18th Health Informatics & Knowledge Management Conference (HIKM 2024), 1-2 February 2024,
Sydney, Australia Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Data-Driven Clinical Decision-Making: The role of informatics, data analytics and artificial intelligence supporting evidence-based decision-making in health for improved patient outcomes
(part of the Australasian Computer Science Week (ACW), Feb 29 – Mar 1) - 11th International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation & Reasoning (KR 2008), September 16-19, 2008, Sydney, Australia
(Host: Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
Faculty of Commerce and Economics1) > School of Information Systems, Technology and Management (SISTM)2)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Graduate Certificate in Commerce in Knowledge Management** (4 courses, incl. 3 from List A)
- Graduate Diploma in Commerce in Knowledge Management** (6 courses, incl. 4 from List A)
- Master of Commerce in Knowledge Management** (4 core courses + 8 courses, incl. 6 from List A)
2001/2 Core courses
ACCT5901 Accounting: A User Perspective
ECON5103 Business Economics
ECON5203 Statistics for Business
INFS5988 Business Information Systems2001/2 List A
ECON5122 Competing in the Knowledge Economy
MARK5942 Contemporary Knowlege-based Marketing (Req. MARK5900)
LEGT5411 Legal Strategies for Knowledge Protection
INFS5927 Knowledge Management Systems and Technology (Req. INFS5988)
IMGT5120 Orgaisation of Knowledge
ACCT5920 Managing Intangile Resources
IROB5902 Organisational Learning
IBUS5602 Cross-Cultural Management2001/2 List B
ACCT5988 Innovative Organisations (Req. ECON5103)
ACCT5949 Managing Agile Organisations
ACCT5919 Business Risk Management (Req. MARK5900)
MARK5900 Elements of Marketing
IBUS5681 Business Communication
INFS5957 Information and Decision Technologies
IMGT5445 Bus. and Govt Info.: Sources and Services
LEGT5562 Business Law in a Global Economy
LEGT5571 Franchising
LEGT5421 E-Commerce and the Law2001/2 List C
MARK5952 New Product/Service Development (Req. MARK5930, MARK5932)
MARK5947 Interactive Electronic Marketing (Req. MARK5900)
ECON5123 Economics of E-Business (Req. ECON5103)
INFS5991 Decision Support Systems (Req. INFS5988)
IROB5705 The Management of Training (Req. IROB5700, IROB5701)
Knowledge Management Research Group
- Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Information Systems, Technology and Management (research area: Information Systems (IS) > Knowledge Management**)
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Information Systems, Technology and Management (research area: Information Systems (IS) > Knowledge Management**)