University of Oxford
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The University of Oxford, legally The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Continuing Professional Development Centre > Department of Continuing Education
Short Courses
Business and management courses
- Applying Knowledge Management: Principles and Practices (1 day, Certificate of Attendance)
- Open Innovation: Empowering Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (1 day, Certificate of Attendance)**
Philosophy courses
- Theory of Knowledge (Online, 10 weeks, Credits: 10 CATS points)
- Justice and knowledge: Do the oppressed know something that others don’t? (10 weeks, Credits: 10 CATS points)
- What is Knowledge and Can We Have It? (10 weeks, Credits: 10 CATS points)**
- Knowledge: An Introduction to Epistemology (5 days)**
- Yearning to Know: The Routes to Knowledge, and its Limits (10 weeks, Credits: 10 CATS points)**
Health sciences courses:
- Knowledge into Action: Using research evidence to inform clinical care and policymaking (blended learning, 5 days, Credits: 20 CATS points) 1)
History of Art and Architecture courses:
- Leonardo da Vinci: Art and Knowledge (7 days; Part of the Inspiring Oxford Summer School)