World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI)*
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The World Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI), 1) ATTENTION!… formerly the World Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (SCI) and the International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS), is organized by the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS). The conference is an international forum for scientists and engineers, researchers and consultants, theoreticians and practitioners in the fields of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. The forum focuses into specific disciplinary research, and also in multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary studies and projects. One of its aims is to relate disciplines, fostering analogical thinking and, hence, producing input to the logical thinking.
WMSCI is organized in conjunction with the International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics (IMSCI) and the Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática (CISCI).
Related IIIS Spring Conferences:
Conference History:
29th WMSCI 2025, September 9-12, 2025, Orlando, Florida, USA
Special Track: Knowledge and Cognitive Science and Technologies (KCST)
Co-located events:
Special Track: Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM) @ IMSCI
Special Track: Action Research and Action Learning (ARAL) @ IMSCI
Tema Especial: Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
28th WMSCI 2024, September 10-13, 2024, Virtual venue
Special Track: Knowledge and Cognitive Science and Technologies (KCST)
Co-located events:
Special Track: Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM) @ IMSCI
Special Track: Action Research and Action Learning (ARAL) @ IMSCI
Tema Especial: Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
27th WMSCI 2023, September 12-15, 2023, Virtual venue
Special Track: Knowledge and Cognitive Science and Technologies (KCST)
Co-located events:
Special Track: Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM) @ IMSCI
Special Track: Action Research and Action Learning (ARAL) @ IMSCI
Tema Especial: Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
26th WMSCI 2022, July 12-15, 2022, Orlando, Florida, USA Virtual venue
Co-located events:
Special Track: Knowledge and Cognitive Science and Technologies (KCST)
Special Track: Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM) @ IMSCI
Special Track: Action Research and Action Learning (ARAL) @ IMSCI
Tema Especial: Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
25th WMSCI 2021, July 18-21, 2021, Orlando, Florida, USA Virtual venue
Special Track: Knowledge and Cognitive Science and Technologies (KCST)
Co-located events:
Special Track: Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM) @ IMSCI
Special Track: Action Research and Action Learning (ARAL) @ IMSCI
Tema Especial: Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
24th WMSCI 2020, September 13-16, 2020, Orlando, Florida, USA Virtual venue
Special Track: Knowledge and Cognitive Science and Technologies (KCST)
Co-located events:
Special Track: Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM) @ IMSCI
Special Track: Action Research and Action Learning (ARAL) @ IMSCI
Tema Especial: Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
Note: The conference was originally scheduled for July 12 – 15, 2020
23rd WMSCI 2019, July 6 – 9, 2019, Orlando, Florida, USA
Special Track: Knowledge and Cognitive Science and Technologies (KCST)
Co-located events:
Special Track: Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM) @ IMSCI
Special Track: Action Research and Action Learning (ARAL) @ IMSCI
Tema Especial: Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
22nd WMSCI 2018, July 8 – 11, 2018, Orlando, Florida, USA
Special Track: Knowledge and Cognitive Science and Technologies (KCST)
Co-located events:
Special Track: Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM) @ IMSCI
Special Track: Action Research and Action Learning (ARAL) @ IMSCI
Tema Especial: Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
21st WMSCI 2017, July 8 – 11, 2017, Orlando, Florida, USA
Special Track: Knowledge and Cognitive Science and Technologies (KCST)
Co-located events:
Special Track: Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM) @ IMSCI
Special Track: Action Research and Action Learning (ARAL) @ IMSCI
Tema Especial: Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
20th WMSCI 2016, July 5 – 8, 2016, Orlando, Florida, USA
Special Track: Knowledge and Cognitive Science and Technologies (KCST)
Co-located events:
Special Track: Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM) @ IMSCI
Special Track: Action Research and Action Learning (ARAL) @ IMSCI
Tema Especial: Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
19th WMSCI 2015, July 12 – 15, 2015, Orlando, Florida, USA
Co-located events:
Special Track: Knowledge and Cognitive Science and Technologies (KCST)
Special Track: Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM) @ IMSCI
Special Track: Action Research and Action Learning (ARAL) @ IMSCI
Tema Especial: Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
18th WMSCI 2014, July 15 – 18, 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA
Special Track: Knowledge and Cognitive Science and Technologies (KCST)
Co-located events:
Tema Especial: Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Cognición y del Conocimiento (CICC) @ CISCI
17th WMSCI 2013, July 9 – 12, 2013, Orlando, Florida, USA
Special Track: Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM)
Co-located events:
International Symposium on Cognition/Knowledge Science and Engineering (CKSE) @ KGCM
Tema Especial: Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Cognición y del Conocimiento (CICC) @ CISCI
// SUMMER 7th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM)
// 4th International Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Peer Reviewing (KCPR) @ KGCM
// 4th International Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Conferences (KCC) @ KGCM
16th WMSCI 2012, July 17 – 20, 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA
Co-located events:
SUMMER 6th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM)
4th Simposio Iberoamericano en Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
International Symposium on Collaborative Enterprises (CENT)
15th WMSCI 2011, July 19 – 22, 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA
Co-located events:
SUMMER 5th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM)
3rd Simposio Iberoamericano en Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
International Symposium on Collaborative Enterprises (CENT)
14th WMSCI 2010, June 29 – July 2, 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA
Co-located events:
SUMMER 4th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM)
Special Track: Collaborative Knowledge Management @ KMGC
2do Simposio Iberoamericano en Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
11th WMSCI 2009, July 10 – 13, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA
Co-located events:
3rd International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM)
4th Simposium Internacional en Comunicación del Conocimiento y Conferencias (CCC) @ CISCI
1er Simposio Iberoamericano en Generación, Comunicación y Gerencia del Conocimiento (GCGC) @ CISCI
12th WMSCI 2008, June 29 – July 2, 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
Co-located events:
2nd International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM)
3rd International Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Conferences (KCC) @ KGCM
2nd International Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Peer Reviewing (KCPR) @ KGCM
3er Simposium Internacional en Comunicación del Conocimiento y Conferencias (CCC) @ CISCI
11th WMSCI 2007, July 8 – 11, 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA
Co-located events:
1st International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM)
2nd International Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Conferences (KCC) @ KGCM
2nd International Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Peer Reviewing (KCPR) @ CITSA&CCCT
2do Simposium Internacional en Comunicación del Conocimiento y Conferencias (CCC) @ CISCI
10th WMSCI 2006, July 16-19, 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA
Co-located events:
1st International Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Conferences (KCC)
1st International Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Peer Reviewing (KCPR) @ CITSA
1er Simposium Internacional en Comunicación del Conocimiento y Conferencias (CCC) @ CISCI