Chiang Mai University (CMU)
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The Chiang Mai University (CMU; Thai: มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
College of Arts, Media and Technology (CAMT)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
Department of Knowledge and Innovation Management1)
- Master of Science (Knowledge and Innovation Management)2)
(Options: by thesis; by coursework & thesis; by coursework w. specialization (Knowledge Management or Innovation Management) & thesis) - Master of Science (Knowledge Management)**2)
(Options: Academics path; Practitioner path) - Doctor of Philosophy (Knowledge and Innovation Management)2)
(Options: by dissertation; by dissertation & thesis) - Doctor of Philosophy (Knowledge Management)**2)
(Options: by dissertation; by dissertation & thesis)
- 7th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA 2013), 18-20 December 2013, Chiang Mai, Thailand
(Organizer: SKIMA Network; Chiang Mai University, College of Arts, Media and Technology; Supporter: IEEE) - 1st International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA 2006), 12-15 December 2006, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
(Organizer: SKIMA Network; Chiang Mai University, College of Arts Media and Technology; EAST-WEST Project;Knowledge Management Professional Center Asia; SSC Solution) - Seminar on Knowledge Management Innovation 2006, 11 June 2006, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Seminar Theme: Building a sustainable learning organization
(Organizer: SSC Solution; Co-organizer: College of Arts, Media and Technology, Chiang Mai University; Knowledge Management Professional Center Asia)
Faculty of Humanities
Graduate Degrees/Programs
Department of Library and Information Science3) > Knowledge Management Research Center*4)
- Master of Arts (MA) in Information and Knowledge Management**5)
Department of Library and Information Science3) > Knowledge Management Research Center*4)
- Asia-Pacific Conference on Knowledge Management and the Digital Age, 20–22 March 2003, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Conference Theme: Challenges and Opportunities for Libraries and Information Professionals in Knowledge Management and the Digital Age
(Co-organizers: Department of Library Science, Chiang Mai University; OCLC Asia-Pacific; IFLA Regional Office for Asia and Oceania; Thailand – U.S. Educational Foundation (Fulbright))This conference will present the current development of knowledge management and digital library in the digital age as the two most important challenges facing libraries and information professionals in the 21st century.
Conference Content:
Keynotes: (1)
Libraries in rapid transition: Information vs. Knowledge Management
Core competencies for library and information professionals
Successful models for library cooperation and resource sharing
Access to electronic resources: cutting a path through the electronic jungle
Knowledge-based services : what users expect from us and what we can do for them
Digital library: resources and management / OCLC – Integrated access to digital information
Metadata, Dublin Core, and OCLC CORC
OCLC global cooperative programs: An Asia Pacific perspective
Steps in implementing knowledge management
Knowledge management: (1) In private company, (2) In government and state enterprises
E-mail and Its Impact on Knowledge Management
Promoting positive changes in scholarly communication : The SPARC Initiative
A new measure for library service quality: The LibQUAL+ toolPaper Presentations:
Knowledge Management in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities in India and Bangladesh
The Professional Evaluation Aspects of Librarians as Pre – necessity for this aim is
A New Design of Medical Library on Basic of Information Technology
Building a Knowledge-based Society: Addressing the Digital Divide
Changing a Triangle into a Circle: Developing the New Information Professional
Is knowledge Management? A Conceptual Framework for Investigation the Profitability of Corporate Knowledge Management Efforts
The Digital Asia Library (DAL) and Portal to Asian Internet Resources (PAIR) Initiative
Guideline for Identifying Information/Knowledge Needs of Users/Patrons
Development of Quality Indicators for the Libraries of Rajaphat Institute
Development of Quality Indicators for the Libraries of Public Universities in Thailand
Knowledge Management System for Library
A Business Process Redesign of e-Supply Chain Management for Online Book Store
Mapping Knowledge for Efficient Retrieval in Digital Libraries: Lessons from Traditional Ontologies
The Application of XML- Based Dublin Core Matadata for information retrieval
New Roles, Knowledge and Competencies for Academic Librarians
Business Competencies for Librarians
Expanding Roles of Academic Librarians to Knowledge Management and Beyond: PSZ experience
Faculty of Science
Department of Computer Science
- 4th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST 2014), 9-11 November, 2014, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Conference Theme: Open Data and Semantic Technology - 5th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS 2010), November 25-27, 2010, Chiang Mai, Thailand