International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC)*

International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC)*

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The biennial International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC or Networked Learning Conference), initially the Networked Lifelong Learning Conference (NLC), is an international research-based conference on networked learning in higher education, lifelong learning & professional development.

Since 1998 NLC has been an opportunity to participate in a forum for the critical examination and analysis of research in networked learning – particularly in Higher Education and lifelong learning. Networked learning has become a broader area of inquiry over the years bringing together research in education and organisations spanning formal and informal learning settings. It is a conference that has been particularly concerned with critical perspectives, theory, pedagogical values, analysis, practice based research and designs for learning. The focus of the conference has been research and practice that addresses relational and interactional aspects of learning and development with an emphasis on dialogical learning, collaborative and cooperative learning and learning in social networks.

NLC Organizing Institutions / Consortium (not including hosts)

    2010-2024: Aalborg University (Institute for Advanced Study in PBL (Problem-Based Learning))
    2024: University of South Australia
    2010-2020: Open University of the Netherlands
    (2020: University of Wollongong)
    2018-2020: University of Southern Denmark
    2000-2018: Lancaster University
    2014: Liverpool John Moores University
    2010: Glasgow Caledonian University
    2006, 2010-12: The Open University
    1998-2004: University of Sheffield

Conference History:

15th NLC2026, 6-8 May 2026, Brussels, Belgium

Sub-title: TBD
(Host: FARI – AI for the Common Good Institute (Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Université libre de Bruxelles); d-teach online learning)

    14th NLC2024, 15-17 May 2024, University of Malta, Valletta, Malta

    Sub-title: A research-based conference on sustainable digital futures
    (Host: Department of Arts, Open Communities and Adult Education, Faculty of Education, University of Malta)

    The challenges and opportunities to learning in the making through dialogue in networked spaces: A reflection framework for encouraging diverse perspectives
    Navigating knowledge: Nifty tools for nimble networked learning researchers
    Exploring digital lifeworlds: Doing postphenomenology in networked learning research
    “The facts alone will not save us”: A workshop on speculative education future and history making
    Re-imagining higher education futures
    Generating AI alternatives: Collaborating and creating intersections
    Stieglerian infraculture: Possibility and being in a contributory economy
    Using the DigCompEdu Framework to analyse your institution’s support for teachers’ digital competencies development

    Round Tables:
    Introducing phenomenology in action for researching networked learning experiences
    Facilitating networked learning with AI?
    Student regulation in online learning groups

    Curiosity, reciprocity, glitch: speculative pedagogies in an age of AI
    Learning without limits
    Hope as a collective practice – amid the ruins of this planet

    Paper Sessions: (11)
    Session Titles n.a.

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Doctoral Consortium

    Interactibe Plenary and Reflective Group Discussion

13th NLC2022, 16-18 May, 2022, Sundsvall, Sweden / Virtual venue

Sub-title: A research-based conference on hybrid and lifelong networked learning in a postdigital era
(Host: Mid Sweden University, Department of Education)

    Thinking through ACAD – learning to see theory in action
    Designing for networked learning in 360VR: A scenographic turn in online learning environments?
    Phenomenology of practice workshop
    BRIDGES: Designing a European Digital Education Hub (EDEH) to support networked digital learning as we transition from Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) to effective post-digital education
    Students’ basic psychological needs in blended teacher learning groups during COVID-19

    Round Tables:
    Negotiating networked learning relationships with augmentation technologies: Smart education, data analytics, and human-autonomy teaming
    Soft skills training for battery gigafactories 4.0
    Course H[OER]oes? Ethical data collection in open digital societies
    The paradox of designing networked learning throughout the employee life cycle

    Doctoral education in a national network: Providing an epistemic space?
    Models for hybrid higher education: Lifelong learning initiatives in the postdigital era
    Phenomenology and networked learning: A found chord
    Malta networked learning forum 2021: Experiences and reflections
    Applications of networked learning to the support of learning and teaching in higher education

    Paper Sessions (11)

    Plenary Sessions (3)

Hanfod Networked Learning (HNL21), 10-11 June, 2021, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

(NLC Cardiff ‘node’ & 1st Networked Learning & Phenomenology Event; Host: Cardiff University, School of Healthcare Sciences)

    Phenomenology of Practice Workshop (Intro & Writing)
    ‘Voices from the River’ Pecha Kutcha (CANCELLED)
    Writing Workshop (to prepare potential contribution to a ‘phenomenology symposium’ @ NLC2022; CANCELLED)

Networked Learning Forum 2021, 20 May 2021, Malta / Virtual venue

(NLC Malta ‘node’ event; Host: Department of Arts, Open Communities and Adult Learning, University of Malta)

    Note: The Malta forum was originally scheduled for May 20-21, 2021

Keynotes + Q&A:
Learning and Value Creation in open Practices
Networked Learning for what? Higher Education as a social act in troubled times
Peer- Learning and Networked Learning in a Problem Based Learning Context

Early -Stage researchers’ presentations

12th NLC2020, 18-20 May 2020, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Denmark Virtual venue

Sub-title: A research-based conference on networked learning in higher education, lifelong learning & professional development
(Host: University of Southern Denmark, Institut for Design og Kommunikation)

    (How) Can computational things be utilized in networked learning?; Developing an Institutional open educational practices (OEP) Self Assessment Instrument; Data Visualisation: Visualise your data by connecting to the universe; What’s the future like? Speculative Methods in Networked Learning; GELO and GreX: A framework and dashboard to investigate technology
    competency and culture

    Methodological Considerations for Research on Networked Learning

11th NLC2018, 14-16 May 2018, Zagreb, Croatia

Sub-title: A research-based conference on networked learning in higher education, lifelong learning & professional development
(Host: University of Applied Sciences in Zagreb, Department of Informatics and Computing)

    Designing, deploying, and studying internationally networked collaboration: The Trans-Atlantic and Pacific Project (TAPP) model; Are you readieee? Taking the “eek” out of participating in fully online communities: Exploring Readiness using the Fully Online Learning Community (FOLC) Model; Pathways to openness in NWL research: the case of Open Data; Online Peer Observation: Use of a Model to Un-tangle our Pragmatic Action from Reflective Practice; Bridging the gap between Networked Learning and Learning Analytics; Leadership in Learning Networks: how can conveners use networked learning perspectives in convening people and learning networks?; Doctoral Consortium

    What will e-Teaching be like in a future networked university?; Networked learning & the challenges for Higher Education: Linking today with the future

10th NLC2016, 9-11 May, 2016, Lancaster, United Kingdom

Sub-title: A research-based conference on networked learning in higher education, lifelong learning & professional development
Conference Theme: Looking back – moving forward
(Host: Lancaster University, Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning in the Department of Educational Research)

    Designs for Networked Learning: Using Personal Learning Networks to Build Intercultural Competence; Facilitating the Professional Growth of Teachers in Networked Learning Communities (NLC); EDECES MODEL: Learning Design For Technology Enhanced Learning; Doctoral Consortium

    Designs for learning with the Semantic Web; Challenges to social justice and collective wellbeing in a globalised education system; Synergies, differences, and bridges between Networked Learning, Connected Learning, and Open Education (#NLbridge)

9th NLC2014, 7-9 April 2014, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Sub-title: A research-based conference on networked learning in higher education and lifelong learning
(Host: University of Edinburgh, Centre for Research in Digital Education at the School of Education)

    Doctoral Symposium

    Perspectives on identity within networked learning; Actor-Network Theory – Double Symposium; Building Co-design Strategies in Higher Education Using Technology-Enhanced Learning Scenarios; The Spaces of Networked Learning

8th NLC2012, 2-4 April 2012, Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Sub-title: A research-based conference on networked learning in higher education and lifelong learning
(Host: The Open University of The Netherlands)

    Doctoral Consortium

    Learning Networks for Professional Development: Current Research Approaches and Future Trends; The place of technology in networked learning; Variations in the Experience of Phenomenographic Research; Transdisciplinary research in technology enhanced/networked learning practices; Understanding emerging knowledge spillovers in small-group learning settings, a social network perspective; Web 2.0 and the Net Generation – A Critical Perspective

7th NLC2010, 3-4 May, 2010, Aalborg, Denmark

Sub-title: A research-based conference on networked learning in higher education and lifelong learning
(Host: Aalborg University, e-Learning lab at the Department of Communication and Psychology; Open University of the Netherland, Ruud de Moor Centrum)

    Doctoral Consortium

    Current challenges in learning design and pedagogical patterns research; Exploring sociotechnical theories of learning technology; Design for problem and project based learning in a networked society; The Space Occupied by Networked Learning in the Higher Education Curriculum: Revisiting the Networked Learning Manifesto; Networked learning, the Net Generation and Digital Natives; Innovative approaches to professional development; International Tutor Perspectives on Undergraduate Networked Learning Environments; Web 2.0 and Problem Based Learning in Enterprise Architecture Training – Developing a Learning Methodology

6th NLC2008, 5-6 May 2008, Halkidiki, Greece

Sub-title: A research based conference on networked learning in higher education and lifelong learning
(Host: Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki; University of Piraeus, Department of Digital Systems)

    Exploring the sustainability and economic viability of lifelong e-learning programmes

    So what REALLY happens in networked learning?; Making the Transition to Ubiquitous Learning; Where is the Learning in Networked Learning?; Networked Learning and Interculturality: Perspectives on Working in Intercultural Contexts; Embedding Networked Learning in Greek Higher Education Institutions: Policy and Practice; When CoPs and researchers collaborate to invent life long learning practices: PALETTE project stories; Learning Cultures in Online Education; Flourish:the ecpd project; Methodologies for researching the learning in Networked Learning; Breaching the Garden Walls? Social media, institutions, infrastructures and design for learning; Learners’ Experience of e-Learning: Research from the UK; Information Society Studies in Practice – a Networked Learning Case Study; Democratising Online Education through Innovative Methods and Tools: the case of Living Labs

5th NLC2006, 10-12 April 2006, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom

(Host: Centre for Studies in Advanced Learning Technology, Department of Educational Research, Department of Management Learning at Lancaster University)

    Relations in Networks and Networked Learning; Enhancing Learner Progression (ELP) – Understanding the Learners’ Perspectives; Culture and eLearning Design: Insights from the eChina~UK Programme; Repositories for Teaching Materials and Learning Objects: Enablers and Barriers to Use; Exploiting Online Networks and Shared Repositories to Support the Professional Development of Distance Tutors: Introducing the PROWE Project; Researching Networked Learning: Diversity and Uniformity; Where’s the “I” in Communities of Inquiry?; Research into Learning in Networked Outreach Initiatives; Conceptual Design, Extended Action Research, Team Building and Virtual Learning Environments

4th NLC2004; 5-7 April 2004, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom

Sub-title: A research-based conference on e-learning in Higher Education and Lifelong Learning
(Host: Centre for Studies in Advanced Learning Technology, Department of Educational Research, Department of Management Learning at Lancaster University)

    Learning Technologists: Split Personality or Community of Practice?; Designing Video and Audio Learning Events: an Insight Into Visual Literacy in Practice; Internationalising the Curriculum: a Dubious Concept, Variously Interpreted – What is Going On in the UK and Europe?; Addressing Methodological Issues In E-Learning Research; Perspectives on Institutional Implementation of e Learning: Stories and Ideas from a European Collaboration; E-tutoring “Contextualised Tutors’ Roles and Tutors’ Training”; Diversity and Common Ground in Online Learning Community Research; How is it for You? The Impact of Networked Learning on Educational Institutions; Networked Learning and Networked Information; Communication and Control in E-Learning Environments Symposium; Researching Theory Led Designs for e-Learning Communities and Collaborative Learning; Blended Learning and its Evaluation; Towards an Ecology of Networked Learning

3rd NLC2002, 26-28 March 2002, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom

(Host: University of Sheffield, School of Education)

    The CHCC Project: Developing the collection of contempary and historical census data and related materials into a major learning and teaching resource; Online Induction Programmes: Developing and evaluating transitional online support; How To Always Get The Jammie Dodger: Developing the online management facilitator

    Researching Underpinnings of the UK eUniversity; Change for Networked Learning; Approaches to Developing a Theoretical Understanding of Networked Learing; Knowledge Construction and On-line Environments; Ideas of Community and Implications for Theorising Networked Learning; Accessible Technology for Networked Learning; The Politics of Networked Learning; Elaborating Collaborative interactions in Networked Learning; e-learning Groups and Communities of Practice; Phenomenography and Networked Learning

2nd NLC2000, 17-19 April 2000, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Innovative Approaches to Lifelong Learning & Higher Education through the Internet
(Host: Department of Management Learning, University of Lancaster)

    Program n.a.

    The role of a university in a dot coin society: what is it?

    Paper Presentations:
    The University of the Highlands and Islands Project: A model for networked learning?
    Changing Concepts and Educational Paradigm in the Frame of ODL
    Is There a Difference? Contrasting experiences of face to face and online learning
    The Costs of Networked Learning An interactive workshop
    An Investigation and Design of Networked Learning in Inner-City Leeds
    Institutional Readiness for Implementing Network Technology
    Networked Professional Development: Issues for recipients and providers
    What are the Implications of the Virtualisation of Organisations and the Emergence of Knowledge Management for Management Development?
    Effective Delivery of On-Campus Networked Learning: Reflections on two case-studies
    A Methodological Approach to Networked Collaborative Learning: Design and pedagogy issues
    On-Line Learning: Frontiers in the creation of learning communities

    Poster Presentations:
    Choosing NVivo to Support Phenomenographic Research in Networked Learning
    Building a Distributed, Asynchronous Learning Environment
    Choosing a Virtual Learning Environment for the University of Bristol
    An Exploration of Language Use in the context of CMC
    Problems at Crumpton
    Participants’ Perceptions of using Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) as Part of a Distance Master’s Programme in Educational Technology and English Language Teaching
    Networked Learning in Professional Education Using Virtual Enterprises

1st NLC1998, 20-22 April 1998, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Sub-title: An international conference for teachers, lecturers, trainers and researchers from all sectors to consider the paradigm shift from traditional to distributed and distance learning using Internet technologies in learning innovation & implementation
(Host: Centre for the Study of Networked Learning, Division of Adult Continuing Education, University of Sheffield)

    Note: The conference is known as “Networked Lifelong Learning Conference”.

    Program n.a.

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3 Replies to “ International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC)*”

  1. The local host is the Department of Arts, Open Communities and Adult Education within the Faculty of Education at the University of Malta.

  2. Hi Good mornin,
    My name is Tal, Im the Leaning&Development manager in STMicroelectronics.
    id like to attend the conference on May.
    i dont see anywhere on the site where do i sign up.

    please advise

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jan 22, 2024 – Boris)

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