Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF)*
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The Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Conference on “International Comparative Study of Knowledge Creation”
The Conference on “International Comparative Study of Knowledge Creation”, also known as the Conference on the Comparative Study of Knowledge Creation or Conference on Knowledge Creation, is held in conjunction with the self-operated three-year research project entitled the “International Comparative Study of Knowledge Creation”, funded by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF). It aims to address the subject of knowledge creation from the various perspectives of field, care, culture, and leadership, within the larger project named “Fostering International Research: Research Network Linking Japanese, European and American Business Schools”. The project team is comprising members from Hitotsubashi University (Institute of Business Research, later: Institute of Innovation Research, aka Prof. Nonaka’s lab), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT Sloan School of Management), and St. Gallen University (Institute of Management, later: Knowledge Source Research Center).
Conference History:
2nd Conference on “International Comparative Study of Knowledge Creation”, June 24-26, 1998, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
(Host: Research Center KnowledgeSource, University of St. Gallen; Sponsors: Gemini Consulting, Lotus, Daimler Benz AG, Narvesen ASA, Unilever and Buckman Laboratories)-
Conference program n.a.
Netscape’s Technology Strategy
The Structuration of Knowledge Creation Processes
Strategic Alliances between Competitors in the Global Auto Industry
Intangible Resources and Managing Knowledge in Supply Chain Context
Tacit Knowledge and Innovation
Changing Firm Boundaries in Japanese Auto Parts Supply Networks
Self-Organizing Links in Supply Chain Management
Capitalizing on Market Knowledge
Hyper competition in Emerging Markets: Organizing Around Not-YetEmbodied Knowledge – 12 Propositions
Creativity of Cognitive Systems1st Conference on “International Comparative Study of Knowledge Creation”, JAIMS, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 12-14, 1996
Conference Theme: Knowledge Creation: Implications for Business Enterprises of the 21st Century
(Host: Japan-American Institute of Management Science; Sponsor: Sasakawa Peace Foundation)-
Conference program n.a.
Emergence of “Ba”: A Conceptual Framework for the Continuous and Self-transcending Process of Knowledge Creation
Bringing Care into Knowledge Development of Business OrganizationsTECHNOLOGY AND COOPERATION: Knowledge creation and technology
The Influence of New 3-D CAD Systems on Knowledge Creation in Product Development
The Impact of Technology on Knowledge Creation: A Study of Experimentation in Integrated Circuit Design
The Temporal Dynamics of Knowledge Creation in the Information Society
Focusing Creativity: Microsoft’s “Synch-and-Stabilize” Approach to Software Product Development
Cooperation and Knowledge CreationTRANSNATIONAL KNOWLEDGE CREATION: Knowledge creation between organizations
Multinational Enterprises and Cross-Border Knowledge Creation
Knowledge Creation and the Internationalization of Japanese Companies: Front-Line Management Across BordersINTERFIRM RELATIONS: Knowledge creation within organizations
Coevolution of Interorganizational Relations
“Co-opetition” in the Japanese Aircraft Industry
Shukko (Employee Transfers) and Tacit Knowledge Exchange in Japanese Supply Networks: The Electronics Industry Case
Absorptive Capacity. Co-opetition. and Knowledge Creation: Samsung’s Leapfrogging in Semiconductors