Filed in: chief learning officer

Careers in Knowledge Management (KM)

Abstract: The field of KM offers several choices for careers, and the practice of KM applies to any career. Few blessings in this world compare with the joy of spending your days working at a career you enjoy. As a public space for self-expression, nothing beats your career. What you choose to work at

Trend: Assigning the strategic functions of knowledge management to the chief information officer

Abstract: Knowledge management is increasingly under attack to show returns on investments and profitable business outcomes. While many companies retain their executive leadership as chief knowledge officers (CKOs) and vice presidents of knowledge management, the trend toward appointing CKOs that developed in the late 1990’s has been reversed at many companies and a new

Corporate Learning Week (CLW)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Corporate Learning Week (CLW or CL Week), formerly the Corporate University Week (CU Week), successor of the Launching & Managing a Corporate University Congress/Conference series, shares inspirational stories of L&D leadership, innovation, growth and transformation. It will focus on powerful new tools and capabilities to help you transform your learning organization to align with