The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) 1) ATTENTION!… offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Gurteen Knowledge
United Kingdom based Gurteen Knowledge, formerly Gurteen Associates, is the consulting company of David Gurteen. David is an independent Knowledge Management consultant, speaker and facilitator. He helps people to share their knowledge; to learn from each other; to innovate and to work together effectively to make a difference! Gurteen Knowledge offers the following Knowledge Management
Aarhus University (AU)*
Aarhus University (AU; Danish: Aarhus Universitet), formerly the University Studies in Jutland (Danish: Universitetsundervisningen i Jylland), has offered the following Knowledge Management and Education opportunities: Faculty of Arts > Danish School of Education1) Graduate Degrees/Programs European Masters in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management (MA
Virtual Intelligence VQ*
Virtual Intelligence VQ offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Universität St. Gallen (HSG)
The Universität St. Gallen (HSG), officially the Universität St. Gallen – Hochschule für Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Internationale Beziehungen und Informatik (HSG1); short: UNISG; English: University of St.Gallen – School of Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences, International Affairs and Computer Science (HSG))2), formerly the Hochschule St. Gallen für Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Sozialwissenschaften (HSG), Hochschule St.Gallen