Abstract: You can find sample job profiles and descriptions relevant to Knowledge Management in the “The Art of Knowledge Exchange Toolbox” of the World Bank Institute’s South-South Facility and the “Advisory Service Toolkit” of the World Bank Institute’s Knowledge and Learning Services. “The Art of Knowledge Exchange” Toolbox:
content manager
Knowledge Management career path
Abstract: One of our clients got in touch recently to ask if we had any good examples of organisations with a career path for their Knowledge Management professionals. The honest answer was No, we don’t have any examples, and there does not seem to be much out there on the web
DNV Group
DNV Group, formerly the DNV GL Group and the Det Norske Veritas (DNV), 1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Attributes of information service professionals for information and knowledge management
Abstract: A value learned by information service professionals in ‘information studies’ is the belief that the key to empowering people is sharing expertise and information, and collaborating across organisational boundaries and functional units. This belief has become part of the information professional’s ‘culture’, part of our value system – the normal and accepted way