The livepro Annual Forum and Gala Awards, formerly the Livepro Customer Experience Knowledge Management Forums (Livepro Forums or CX KM Forums), the Livepro Customer Knowledge Management Forums (CKM Forums), and the livepro User (Knowledge) Forum, is a series of events to inform, showcase, and award customers which use livepro’s Knowledge Management solution for customer service
customer relationship management
The livepro (Livepro and livepro Australia), formerly livepro Australia and livepro, a registered trademark of Web Systems Integration (founded by IMC Communications), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
eGain Corporation
eGain Corporation, formerly eGain Communications Corporation, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Knowledge Management Team Roles in Customer Service
Abstract: Whether implementing a new Knowledge Management initiative or maintaining Knowledge Management in BAU, customer service organisations need to consider the following roles for a Knowledge Team. All organisations are different, so the size and scale of the team may vary, and you may have individuals performing multiple roles simultaneously.
eGain Solve*
eGain Solve, formerly eGain Experience 360, eGain Digital+AI Day, eGain World, and the eGain Customer Summit / User Conference, is an annual conference organized by the eGain Corporation. It aims to to gather, brainstorm, solve and get ideas for your generative AI, customer engagement, and knowledge management initiatives. “eGain Solve” is