Abstract: This is the eighth article in a series, a journey through the domain that is Knowledge Management (KM). In the first article, Theme I – Strategic Considerations, we introduced the need for a “Knowledge Imperative” and the essential ingredients for KM success. Compelling rationales for KM exist. We described the
information technology
Knowledge management and the LIS professions
Abstract: This paper looks at the complex web of interrelationships that is emerging as the library and information professions come to terms with the growing phenomenon of knowledge management. This is manifest at one level in the wider organisational and business context, and at another in the professional and employment spheres. Two of the
Rules for leaders of knowledge citizens
Abstract: In 1909, Sam Walter Foss, a librarian at the Somerville Public Library in Massachusetts, wrote a paper entitled ‘Some cardinal principals of librarian’s work’. Interestingly, Foss emphasized and encouraged the role of the librarian to be a fundamentally social and people-oriented character as opposed to a shy and retiring ‘book lover’. This
Certification necessary for Knowledge Management?
In the Toolbox for IT Group Knowledge Management Career cgg916 asks: Lately I have been reading some about KM certification and I was wondering if certification is necessary for KM? If so, are there specific things a person should be certified in, or is there a general KM certification? Thanks
Knowledge Management vs. Competitive Intelligence
Abstract: Competitive Intelligence (CI) and Knowledge Management (KM) are hot topics around many organizational water coolers. Yet little has been written on how they interrelate or how to improve the mutual competencies of CI and KM workers. In the following article first published in the July-Aug edition of Competitive Intelligence magazine (Vol 6, Number