Abstract: Innovations in how a postgraduate course in knowledge management is delivered have generated better learning outcomes and made the course more engaging for learners. Course participant feedback has shown that collaborative active learning is preferred and provides them with richer insights into how knowledge is created and applied to generate innovation and value. The
Intelligent Answers
Successful Knowledge Leadership
Abstract: Understand and build the skills and abilities, behaviours, and techniques needed to drive KM success. Effective knowledge management demands equally effective leaders. Yet, what exactly is an effective knowledge leader? What are the attributes and skills needed? What are the challenges that knowledge leaders face and, importantly,
Principles of Knowledge Leadership
Abstract: Leadership is a subjective participation sport of perspectives and relationships. The more effectively you influence others to play with you, the greater your own success, and the more value you generate with, and for, others. Great leaders generate trust and act in an open and trustworthy manner. In doing so, they generate an
Knowledge Mentoring Institute (KMI)*
The Knowledge Mentoring Institute (KMI) 1), formerly the Knowledge Management Institute (KM Institute or KMI) and Knowledge Management International, including its brand “mentoring4success” (M4S), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training