Kaieteur Institute For Knowledge Management (KiKM)*
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The Kaieteur Institute For Knowledge Management (KiKM) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- e-Knowledge Markets Consortium / Knowledge Markets Advanced Research Working Group
- Knowledge Innovation Zones (KIZ) Research Centre/Project 1)
Regular Online courses
- Knowledge Management course @ UToronto
(University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies) - Knowledge Pattern Recognition (8 week online workshop)
(part of ‘Knowledge Economy Leadership Development Program’, Eurofocus International Consultants)-
Module 1. Introduction to Knowledge Pattern Recognition
Module 2. The Virtues Of Pattern Recognition
Module 3. Pattern Recognition & Decision Making
Module 4. What Knowledge Patterns Are There ?
Module 5. Meta Knowledge Playbook
Module 6. Knowledge Profit Patterns
Module 7. Description Of Knowledge Patterns
Module 8. Summary Conclusions
How to Profit from Knowledge & Idea Markets: Leveraging Amazing Lessons Learned from Social Media, Crowdsourcing, & Open Innovation
Change Management for Knowledge Innovators
Optimizing The Value Of Knowledge Assets – A
Knowledge-Worker Work-Shops
KIKM001 Introduction to Knowledge Management (1 day, was: Introduction To Next-Generation Knowledge Management, Introduction to Knowledge Management Fundamentals)
KIKM002 Advanced Knowledge Management (2 days)
KIKM003 Expert Knowledge Transfer & Retention (2 days; was: Increasing The Value Of Knowledge Transfer & Exchange, Increasing The Value Of Knowledge Exchange)
KIKM004 Knowledge-Based Innovation (2 days; was: e-Knowledge Based Innovation)
KIKM005 Knowledge-Based Business Models (1 day
KIKM006 Intellectual Capital & Intangibles (2 days)
KIKM007 Learning Organization (1 day)
KIKM008 Harnessing Knowledge & Idea Markets for Business Advantage: Practical Lessons from Social Media, Crowdsourcing, & Open Innovation (2 days
KIKM009 Knowledge Enabling Software Systems (2 days
KIKM010 Expertise Networking (2 days; was: Expertise Management)
KIKM011 Knowledge Leadership (1 day; was: Knowledge Leadership Development, Profitable Knowledge Leadership Capabilities For The New Economy)
KIKM012 Knowledge & Transformational Change (1 day; was: Change Pattern Recognition. (Proven) Techniques For Accelerating Change Management In the Knowledge, Knowledge Pattern Recognition)
KIKM013 Knowledge Economy Zone Master-Planning (2 days)
KIKM014 Mastering the Inner Game of Knowledge (1 day)
KIKM015 Knowledge Inspired High Performance (2 days)
Knowledge Innovation Zones (KIZ) Executive Briefing Workshops
Samples: The Prosperity Paradox: Architecting Sustainable Innovation for Knowledge Cities, Regions and World; State-of-the-World Report on Knowledge Innovation Zones
Past Seminars
Proven High-Performance Strategies & Practices For The Knowledge-Inspired Manager (3 days)
Knowledge Innovation Zone Development (1 day)
Knowledge Management For SME (was: Improving The Knowledge Entrepreneurial Capabilities Of Small To Medium Enterprises (SME’s), Improving The Knowledge Management Capabilities Of Small To Medium Enterprises (SME’s), e-Knowledge Based Innovation For Small To Medium Enterprises (SME’s))
Knowledge-Based Business Model Innovation (1 day)
A Proven System For Building The Modern Knowledge Based Business (1 day)
The Rhythm Of Knowledge Seminar – Creative Ideation , Winning Ideas, and all that Jazz (2 days)
An Introduction To Strategic Knowledge-Based Business Design (1 day)
An Introduction To Winning Knowledge Strategy (1 day)
The Power of Knowledge-to-Profit Patterns (1 day, was: The awesome power of Knowledge Profit Patterns)
Networking Knowledge – The New Dynamics of Complex Adaptive Knowledge Networks (1 day)
Knowledge-Fuelled Innovation (2 days)
A Simple & Proven Approach To Gathering Competitive Intelligence, Marketplace Smarts, and Enhancing Knowledge Of Your Customer (1 day)
New Approaches To Search, Meta-Search, Categorization, Clustering, & Taxonomy (1 day)
An Introduction To PKM – Personal Knowledge Management (1 day)
e-Knowledge Management As An Enabler Of e-Government (1 day)
How to Make Your KM Projects Deliver Faster & More Positive Results (1 day, was: Making Your Knowledge Management Projects Deliver Positive Results)
Knowledge Worker High-Performance For Productive Business Results (1 day, was: Enhancing Knowledge Worker Performance (For Productive Business Results))
Building The Knowledge Based Business (1 day)
Crafting A Blueprint For The Winning Knowledge-Based Business – Using Simple Design, Modeling, And Simulation Techniques (1 day, was: Knowledge Based Business Models)
Leveraging The Power Of Knowledge Pattern Recognition (Half-Day, was: Knowledge Pattern Recognition)
e-Knowledge Markets
Building The Knowledge-Based Business
Practicum on Knowledge Innovation (1 day)
Other Training
Executive Briefings On Knowledge Management
Executive Knowledge One-One Coaching
Global Conference on e-Knowledge Markets
- 1st Global Conference on e-Knowledge Markets, September 24-25, 2001, University Of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
(Conference Advisory Group/ Co-Sponsor: Knowledge-Intuit, e-Knowledge Markets Consortium – Knowledge Markets Advanced Research Working Group; aka KiKM Annual Conference)
Conference Theme: e-Knowledge Markets: Inside The Enterprise & Beyond – Exploring The Profitable Intersection Of e-Knowledge, e-Business, and e-Marketplaces, The Next Generation Frontier For Knowledge ManagementNote: This conference might have ben cancelled. A 2002 conference scheduled for May 6-7, 2002 and Fall 2002, too. For 2003 and 2004 the conference was announced under the theme “Realizing The Promise Of Knowledge Markets: Inside the Enterprise & Beyond. For 2005 it was announced as KiKM 2005 Conference on Knowledge Markets, scheduled for April 2005 in Barbados, West Indies
Conference program TBD
Knowledge Auctions, Knowledge Stores, Question & Answer Exchanges, Experts Exchanges, Intellectual Property Exchanges, E-Learning Exchanges, B2B Knowledge Exchanges, Talent Exchanges, Community Based Social Capital Knowledge Exchanges, Vertical Knowledge Exchanges, e-Knowledge Market Enabling TechnologiesTracks:
Human Capital; e-Learning; Intellectual Property; Technology Showcase & Knowledge MarketplacePre-Conference Workshop (Sep 23):
The Future Of e-Knowledge Markets
Knowledge Innovation Zone (KIZ) Student Prize
2005: Dragana Radovaovic (University of Lund, Sweden), thesis “Intelligence and Lund”