Filed in: Knowledge for Development Partnership (K4DP)

Knowledge Management South Africa Imbizo (KMSA Imbizo)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Knowledge Management South Africa Imbizo (KMSA Imbizo), formerly the Knowledge Management South Africa Convention (KMSA Convention), successor of the Southern African Knowledge Management Summit (SAKMS), is the annual conference or meeting of the Knowledge Management South Africa (KMSA) society. The meeting provides a platform to showcase and interrogate the strategic

Melbourne Knowledge Management Leadership Forum (Melbourne KMLF)

Communities & Social Networks | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Melbourne Knowledge Management Leadership Forum (Melbourne KMLF), formerly the Knowledge Management Leadership Forum (founded in Sydney, aka the Victorian KM Forum), is a face-to-face education and networking forum, run by Knowledge Management practitioners for Knowledge Management practitioners. The aim is to set the foundation for a casual network of interested practitioners and scholars to

KMA Knowledge Management Associates (KM Associates)

Providers | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

KMA Knowledge Management Associates (KM Associates, KMA or KM-A)1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training

Knowledge Management Austria – Institut für Wissensmanagement

Communities & Social Networks | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Knowledge Management Austria – Institut für Wissensmanagement (English: Institute of Knowledge Management; short: KM Austria), formerly ‘Verein für Forschung, Entwicklung und Bildung im Wissensmanagement’,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training